Research project
Labour and migration
Research on labour and migration is essential as it provides critical insights into how regulatory changes, such as Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic, affect workforce mobility and the availability of migrant labour across key sectors like hospitality, warehousing, social care, and food manufacturing.
It also sheds light on the challenges faced by migrant workers, including precarious working conditions and limited access to labour protections. It highlights the need for policies that promote social integration and economic inclusion.
Additionally, by examining the barriers to employment and entrepreneurship for migrants, research contributes to the development of more inclusive policies and practices that support the well-being and economic participation of migrants.
Research within Leeds University Business School explores migration through multiple labour dimensions - from MNEs using international suppliers with heavily migrant workforces, to migrant entrepreneurs starting their own businesses, to skill matching for migrant workers, to understanding how migrant populations feed into and evolve workplaces.
- Dr Gabriella Alberti - Associate Professor in Work and Employment Relations
- Dr Zinovijus Ciupijus – Lecturer in Human Resource Management and Employment Relations
- Dr Jo Cutter – Lecturer in Work and Employment Relations
- Dr Marketa Dolezalova – Research Fellow in Labour Migration
- Professor Christopher Forde – Professor of Employment Studies
- Dr Hanna Gajewska-De Mattos - Associate Professor in International Management
- Professor Aida Hajro – Chair in International Business a
- Dr Maria Ilieva – Lecturer in International Business
- Dr Peter Howley – Professor of Economics and Behavioural Science
- Dr Andrew Kozhevnikov – Lecturer in Human Resources Management
- Dr Deema Refai – Associate Professor in Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
- Dr Xue Wan – Lecturer in Finance
- Professor Yingqi Wei – Chair in International Business
- Professor Nick Williams – Professor of Entrepreneurship
- Professor Jonathan Winterton – Professor of Work and Employment
- Dr Abbie Winton – Post Doctoral Research Fellow
Postgraduate researchers
- Elham Ali A Althobaiti

Research projects
- A better future - understanding refugee entrepreneurship (BFURE)
- ASEAN Labour Migration
- Collaborative action on the future of migrant working conditions in Yorkshire warehousing
- COVID-19 and Migration Systems in Transition
- Immigration and well-being
- Labour mobility in transition: a multi-actor study of the re-regulation of migrant work in 'low-skilled' sectors (LIMITS)
- Migrant Women in Business – A Focus on West Yorkshire
- Skills4Justice
Journal articles
- Kozhevnikov, A. (2025). Social capital in skilled migrants’ careers: why (not) rely on it?. Work in the Global Economy
- Refai, D., Lever, J., Haloub, R. (2024) Entrepreneurship in constrained immigration contexts – the liminal integration of Syrian refugees. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 36(3-4): 416-435.
- Stahl, G.K, Akkan, E., Reiche, S., Hajro, A., Zellmer-Bruhn, M., Lazarova, M., Richer, N., Caprar, D., Zikic, J., Björkman, I., Brewster, C., Cerdin, J.-L., Clegg, C., Davoine, E., Koveshnikov, A., Mayrhofer, W.,Zander, L. (2024). Linking institutional context to the community and career embeddedness of skilled migrants: The role of destination- and origin-country identifications. Journal of International Business Studies.
- Hajro, A., Zilinskaite, M., Gibson, C., Baldassari, P., Mayrhofer, W., Brewster, C., & Brannen, M. Y. (2023). Movement of People across Borders: Transdisciplinary Research to Meet the Challenges in Migration, Business, and Society. Academy of Management Discoveries. https://doi:10.5465/amd.2022.0058
- Hajro, A., Brewster, C., Haak-Saheem, W., & Morley, M. (2023). Global Migration: Implications for International Business Scholarship. Journal of International Business Studies, 54(6): 1134–1150.
- Refai, D. & McElwee, G. Refugee Subntrepreneurship (2023). The Emergence of a Liquid Cage. Work, Employment and Society. 37(4): 1032-1051.
- Hajro, A., Zilinskaite, M., & Baldassari, P. (2022). Addressing the Elephant in the Room: Global Migration and its Implications for Business School Teaching. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 21(1): 101–120.
- Alberti G, Cutter J. (2022). Labour migration policy post-Brexit: The contested meaning of regulation by old and new actors. Industrial Relations Journal. 430-445 53.5
- Hajro, A., Caprar, D., Zikic, J., & Stahl, G.K. (2021). Global Migrants: Understanding the Implications for International Business and Management. Journal of World Business, 56: 1-11.
2020 and earlier
- Koburtay T, Refai D, Haloub R. (2020) The role of cultural pressures and group favouritism in shaping Syrian refugees’ identity in the Jordanian work environment. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 79:24-35.
- Hajro, A., Stahl, G.K., Clegg, C., & Lazarova, M. (2019). Integrating Skilled Migrants: A Multi-Level Framework of the Individual, Organizational, and Societal Influences on Migrants’ Acculturation Outcomes. Human Resource Management Journal, 29(3): 328-352.
- Tapia M, Alberti G. (2019). Unpacking the category of migrant workers in trade union research: A multi-level approach to migrant intersectionalities. Work, Employment and Society. 314-325 33.2
- Alberti GL, Però D. (2018). Migrating Industrial Relations: Migrant Workers' Initiative within and outside Trade Unions. British Journal of Industrial Relations. 693-715 56.4
- Hajro, A., Gibson, C., & Pudelko, M. (2017). Knowledge Exchange Processes in Multicultural Teams: Linking Organizational Diversity Climates to Teams’ Effectiveness. Academy of Management Journal, 60(1): 345-372.
- Hajro, A. (2017). Integrating highly-qualified migrants: allowing a personal narrative to set future research directions. European Journal of Cross-cultural Competence and Management, 4(3/4): 192-200.
- Alberti G, Danaj S. (2017). Posting and agency work in British construction and hospitality: the role of regulation in differentiating the experiences of migrants. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 3065-3088 28.21
- Refai, D., Haloub, R., & Lever, J. (2018). Contextualizing entrepreneurial identity among Syrian refugees in Jordan. International Journal of Entrepreneurship & Innovation, 19(4):250-260.
- Alberti G, Forde C, MacKenzie R, Ciupijus Z. (2015). Understanding the Connections between Temporary Employment Agencies and Migration. International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations. 357-370 31.Issue 4
- Alberti GL. (2014). Mobility strategies, ‘mobility differentials’ and ‘transnational exit’: the experiences of precarious migrants in London’s hospitality jobs. Work Employment and Society Grugulis IG; Stuart MS (eds.).
- Alberti GL, Holgate J, Tapia M. 2013. Organising migrants as workers or as migrant workers? Intersectionality, trade unions and precarious work. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 4132-4148 24.22
Other outputs
"How is the End of Free Movement Affecting the Low-wage Labour Force in the UK?”
“Essential, yet invisible: working conditions of Amazon delivery workers during COVID-19 and beyond”
Radio and TV:
"Wake up to Money" Segment starts at 31.55 – 47.00. June 2024
OKTO December 2023
Blog posts and news articles:
“Governments can keep raiding takeaways and nail bars, but businesses will still employ undocumented migrants”, The Conversation, Aida Hajro and Milda Žilinskaitė, February 2025
“How global corporations can support migrant workers”, World Economic Forum, Milda Žilinskaitė, Aida Hajro and Paul Baldassari, December 2024
“How are employers in warehousing and food manufacturing dealing with ongoing workforce pressures?”, Research and Innovation Blog, Marketa Dolezalova, Gabriella Alberti, Jo Cutter, Effie Papargyropoulou and Chris Forde, July 2024
"The contested politics of migration as a solution to labour shortages", UK in a Changing Europe, Gabriella Alberti, Marketa Dolezalova, Zyama Ciupijus and Chris Forde, January 2023
"The end of free movement and the low wage labour force in the UK", Work Foundation, Chris Forde, November 2022
"Employers’ responses to the end of free movement: the rhetoric and realities of automation"
"From a health crisis to a labour crisis? Omicron, Brexit and labour shortages"
"UK post-Brexit migration and pandemic effects: how unexpected was the current shortage crisis?"
"Number of EU citizens moving to UK plunges post-Brexit – report"
"Migration and return: understanding returnee entrepreneurship"
"How immigration can make some UK-born residents feel worse off even if they aren’t new research"
"Measuring the impact of immigration on subjective well-being"
"Why the English and British don’t see eye to eye when it comes to immigration??"
“Fixing the global skills gap: Here's why firms need to get migrant management right”
“Claiming a seat at the table – Migration from a Business Perspective”
“Changing the way we see refugees and their economic integration”
“How Can Your Company Nurture and Retain Migrant Employees?”
“The liminal integration of Syrian refugees” Episode 88
"Filipino migrant workers in Malaysia: trajectories of undocumented labour"
"How recent changes to the immigration system have affected the Yorkshire and the Humber workforce"
“Labour shortages, automation, and upskilling in UK Food and Drink manufacturing”
- ‘Business Schools and Migration: The Elephant in the Room’ – webinar co-hosted by Migration, Business & Society, the Centre for International Business at the University of Leeds, and the COmpetence Center for Sustainability Transformation and Responsibility (STaR) at Vienna Unniversity, December 2024.

If you would like to get in touch about any of the above research on labour and migration, contact