Digital innovation

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At Leeds University Business School, our research on digital innovation covers a wide range of topics, from platform workers to the metaverse, social media usage to hybrid working, and artificial intelligence to smart cities.

Explore our latest blog posts, podcasts, and reports, or browse our project pages to uncover actionable insights for leveraging digital innovation in your organisation or shaping forward-thinking policy decisions.

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  1. Blog posts
  2. Podcasts 
  3. Reports and policy briefs
  4. Research projects

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Podcast episodes

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Digital transformation in SMEs - why relationships matter as much as technology

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Reports and policy briefs

  • Digital dialogues: Shaping the digital transformation of work, Digital Futures at Work Research Centre, January 2026. This report presents an overview of Digit’s key findings over five years, focused on three central facets of the digital transformation of work.
  • Policy brief: Pay and conditions in gig work, Professor Chris Forde and colleagues, September 2024. The policy brief draws on a wide range of research evidence to make recommendations for policymakers to improve working conditions in the gig economy.  It also considers other precarious and insecure working arrangements, such as zero-hours contracts. The evidence paper is also available, as is a blog post summarising the recommendations.
  • Policy brief: Lessons from the four-day week: Reducing working time in the digital transformation of work, Professor Brendan Burchell, Professor David Spencer, Professor Simon Deakin and Professor Jill Rubery, September 2024. This report from the Digital Futures at Work Research Centre details how recent trials of a four-day working week show it can improve wellbeing and productivity, yet current policy rarely considers reduced working time as a strategy to address employment challenges, gender equality, and economic inactivity.
  • Employers’ Digital Practices at Work Survey: First Findings, Professor Mark Stuart, Professor Danat Valizade, Dr Felix Schulz, Professor Brendan Burchell, Professor Richard Dickens and Professor Jacqueline O'Reilly, 2023. This report from the Digital Futures at Work Research Centre provides a comprehensive analysis of a nationally representative survey, addressing significant gaps in our understanding of how UK employers adopt and use AI-powered tools and software.
  • Policy note: Enabling corporate innovation, Professor Krsto Pandza, 2020. This policy note is based on findings from a research collaboration between Ericsson AB and Professor Krsto Pandza.

Research projects

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To find out more about any of the above research, or how you can work with us in these areas, contact