Globalisation and international affairs

At Leeds University Business School, our research on globalisation and international affairs examines the complexities of international business, the challenges of global value chains, and the socio-political dynamics shaping markets and policies worldwide.
Access our resources for the latest thinking on global business challenges and to inform international business policies.
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Podcast episodes
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Reports and policy briefs
- “Enhancing multilateral development banks’ capacity through local currency financing: final report” – Dr Bruno Bonizzi, Professor Annina Kaltenbrunner, Dr Guilherme Klein Martins, Dr Karsten Kohler, Dr Karina Patrício Ferreira Lima, Iván Weigandi Martínez, December 2024
- “Promoting inclusive growth via developing exporting” – Dr Han Jin, Dr Emma Liu, Professor Frank McDonald, and Professor Yingqi Wei, July 2023
Research projects
International business and trade
- A strategic framework for delivering West Yorkshire International Trade Strategy
- Promoting inclusive growth via developing exporting
- Industrial digital technologies for UK SME exporting manufacturers
- Strategic Crafting of Country-of-Origin-Image: Strengthening Competitive Advantages of Firms in Times of Global Geopolitical and Economic Uncertainty
- International Knowledge Transfer and Co-creation through International Entrepreneurship
- Leeds Index of Platform Labour Protest
- British companies' exposure to the Chinese Market
- The impact of climate change and policies on the balance of payments and central banking in commodity-exporting emerging economies
Contact us
To find out more about any of the above research, or how you can work with us in these areas, contact