Research Leadership Development Consortium (RLDC)

The Business School leads the Research Leadership Development Consortium – a network that designs and organises development events that strengthen and support research leadership in the social sciences.

The aim of the RLDC is to organise development events that strengthen and support research leadership in the social sciences. Leadership development activities are designed to support social science researchers in an increasingly interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral and fast-changing landscape. Our objective is to explore enablers and opportunities for professional connectivity, impactful networking, quality research co-production, mentorship and capacity building. Our audience is typically made up of mid-career and experienced researchers who are, or will soon be, responsible for leading research teams, centres and projects.

Seminar Schedule (Dates to be confirmed)

Date Title
25th January 2024 Visualising yourself as a research leader
22 March 2024 In Search of Inclusive Research Leadership
29 May 2024 Building Professional Research Connections and Developing your ‘Research Leadership Brand’
10th July 2024 Providing Research Leadership for Transformative Change
18th September 2024 Developing and Leading an Inclusive and Supportive Research Culture
November 2024 Interdisciplinary Research Leadership
January 2025 Becoming a Global Research Leader
March 2025 Impact and Engagement in Research Leadership
May 2025 Reflectivity and Resilience in Research Leadership