Equality and Inclusion

Commitment to equality and inclusion
Leeds University Business School is committed to creating a fully inclusive environment for staff, students, alumni and partners.
We recognise that excellence in both research and the student experience can only be achieved through a culture of inclusivity.
All staff in the Business School work towards the University’s Equality and Inclusion Framework and are provided with resources and training to allow them to actively engage in developing their skills and knowledge. Our drive for inclusivity is guided by the Business School’s own Equality and Inclusion Committee, who meet regularly to review and improve inclusive practices across the School.
Recognising the challenge is an ongoing process and we remain committed to ensuring that no member of our community, whether they be staff, student, alumni or corporate partner, are disadvantaged by their individual circumstance.
Our commitment was rewarded in June 2020, when we achieved the Athena SWAN Bronze Award in recognition of work undertaken to promote gender equality.
On this page you can read more about:
- Athena SWAN award
- University policies
- Equality and inclusion framework
- Recruitment
- Business In The Community
- Staff networks
Athena SWAN
Leeds University Business School has received the Bronze Award in the Athena SWAN Charter.
The Athena SWAN Charter was established in 2005 to encourage and recognise commitment to advancing the careers of women in the fields of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM) in higher education and research.
The Charter now recognises work undertaken to address gender equality more comprehensively. In May 2015 the Charter was expanded to recognise work undertaken in arts, humanities, social sciences, business and law (AHSSBL), in professional and support roles, and for trans staff and students.
Find out more about Athena SWAN.
Download our Athena SWAN Bronze Award application submission.
University policies
We have a range of written policies and plans covering activities and practices associated with equality and diversity. Read our policies here.
Equality and inclusion framework
Equality of opportunity, fairness and inclusion is the foundation of our global community at the University of Leeds. As part of the University of Leeds we are implementing a new equality and inclusion framework.
Our vision is to create an inclusive environment that attracts, develops and retains the best students and staff from all backgrounds across the world and to support all staff and students in realising their ambitions, contributing to our institutional strategic aims.
Find out more about our equality and inclusion framework.
The University is committed to supporting all staff to deliver their individual personal best, achieve excellence in a diverse range of areas, and progress in their careers. To be a world leading University we must attract, retain, support and develop the best staff; this includes making sure that we represent the diverse nature of the wider community within the University.
We treat all applicants fairly and transparently at every stage of the process. All job adverts include a statement highlighting that flexible working and job share arrangements are supported and will be considered.
The Business School requires all members of interview panels to undertake online University equality and inclusion training and our HR team review adverts to check for gendered language and ensure that interview panels are gender balanced.
Business In The Community
The University has joined Business In The Community (BITC), a business-led network dedicated to responsible business. BITC has a membership of almost 600 organisations across all sectors in the UK, each committed to embedding and improving responsible business practice and working collectively to create lasting, beneficial impacts in their communities.
Staff networks
The University of Leeds provides members of staff with practical support through staff networks, which facilitate a nexus of peer support and development opportunities across the University.