Research and consultancy

On this page you will find information relating to:
Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP)
A knowledge transfer partnership (KTP) is a collaborative project between the University, a business and a suitably qualified graduate or post-graduate. A KTP enables a business to access knowledge, technology or skills within the University in order to resolve a strategically important business or technical issue; while allowing academics to test, apply and translate their research into industry.
Collaboration is key to the success of these partnerships which have transformed over 12,000 organisations big and small and across every sector in the UK.
Find out more about how your business could benefit from a KTP.
Collaborative research
We work with many businesses and public sector organisations on collaborative research projects. These can be longer term projects where a team of academic researchers work with an organisation on a key business or organisational topic and typically might last for between one and three years. We have current collaborative research relationships with Ericsson, Marks & Spencer, Rolls Royce, Yorkshire Building Society and national UK police forces. These types of research collaborations may be linked to a publicly funded grant from one of the Research Councils or the European Union, or may be funded by industry.
With our collaborative research we aim to address a major business challenge of the day and make a real difference within organisations or to bring about policy change that helps either our UK businesses or the national economy as well as supporting our citizens. We work with organisations large and small and on a wide range of topics.
We are able to arrange sponsored doctoral studentships, where a current postgraduate research student works with a company for a period of time to conduct research under the supervision of an academic expert.
By partnering with us on a collaborative research project you can benefit from:
- Cutting-edge research expertise and academic excellence
- Long-term relationship with regular feedback as the project progresses
- In-depth exploration of the underlying issues
- Strong focus on impact and outcomes
- International experience and broader perspective of our researchers.
Consultancy services draw on the application of existing knowledge, skills and expertise to help solve a problem. With nearly 200 academic staff in the Business School we are well placed to provide a range of research consultancy services covering the main business areas: accounting and finance, economics, international business, management, marketing and HR. We have the expertise to analyse and interpret the business challenges currently facing your organisation.
Research consultancy often relates to shorter term projects, where an organisation requires exploratory research or wishes to draw on the specific expertise of a leading academic.
We are also able to arrange interdisciplinary teams to work with organisations to address complex problems requiring insight and techniques from different areas.
Our Research and Innovation Office is able to help identify appropriate academic consultants and provide quotes for a specific piece of work.
Read about one of the examples of the consultancy services we can provide.
Contact us
If you would like to discuss our collaborative research or consultancy services further, please contact Dr Kathryn Watson, Research Impact Manager (