Training and development

A distinguishing feature of Leeds University Business School's research degree programme is a strong emphasis on formal training in research methods and the development of researcher skills.
You will be supported in your research degree by your academic supervisor. This should be viewed not just as an opportunity for guidance on your research project but as an opportunity for you to develop a wider range of advanced research methods skills and knowledge of your discipline. You will also follow a programme of formal research training.
Our aim is to produce not just excellent doctoral research dissertations, but also excellent researchers who are well rounded and fully equipped for careers in academia and research.
PhD training pathways
All our postgraduate researchers follow a programme of formal training to develop their research skills. The nature and scope of the training will depend on your academic qualifications, knowledge and experience.
When entering the PhD programme you will undertake one of the core training pathways below. All three pathways include both a core element (taught modules attended by all first year postgraduate researchers) and more specific training relevant to your area.
You will have the opportunity to develop a range of skills that underpin successful achievement in a wide range of future careers, such as communication (written, oral and visual), enterprise, knowledge transfer, teaching, working in multidisciplinary teams and academic engagement.
Accounting and Finance
Year one
Full-time postgraduate researchers must complete the compulsory modules below by the end of their first year of study. Part-time postgraduate researchers must complete the compulsory modules by the end of their second year of study. Exemptions from some of the modules may be granted dependent upon prior research training.
Year two
Full-time postgraduate researchers must complete the following module in their second year of study. Part-time postgraduate researchers must complete it in their third year of study.
Modules subject to change.
Year one
Full-time postgraduate researchers must complete the compulsory modules below by the end of their first year of study. Part-time postgraduate researchers must complete the compulsory modules by the end of their second year of study. Exemptions from some of the modules may be granted dependent upon prior research training.
Year two
Full-time postgraduate researchers must complete 15 credits from an Economics taught postgraduate module in their second year of study. Part-time postgraduate researchers must complete this in their third year of study
Modules subject to change.
Management and Business
Year one
Full-time postgraduate researchers must complete the compulsory modules below by the end of their first year of study. Part-time postgraduate researchers must complete the compulsory modules by the end of their second year of study. Exemptions from some of the modules may be granted dependent upon prior research training.
Year two
Full-time postgraduate researchers must complete one of the modules below in their second year of study. Part-time postgraduate researchers must complete one of the modules below in their third year of study.
All taught modules are assessed, either by exams or coursework. Seminars, workshops and the annual Leeds University Business School PhD conference are also an important component of this training programme.
The overall amount of training undertaken will vary according to your specific needs. Throughout your training, you will engage in critical self-reflection through your Personal Development Plan and through contact with your supervisor. Further training elements can be provided to enhance your abilities as required.
Additional training providers at the University of Leeds include the Organisational Development and Professional Learning, The University Library and IT.
Advanced skills training
We actively champion the provision of advanced skills training for Postgraduate Researchers:
- You will benefit from the School's position as one of the coordinating universities for the Northern Advanced Research Training Initiative (NARTI), a network of research-based business schools in the north of England.
- The University of Leeds has established the Leeds Social Science Institute (LSSI), offering interdisciplinary training and development and specialist training and development opportunities.
- Postgraduate researchers can also access additional training and networking through the British Academy of Management and the Society for the Advancement of Management Studies – bodies delivering advanced training for early career researchers.
Leeds University Business School Doctoral Conferences
The Leeds University Business School Doctoral Conference brings together current Postgraduate Researchers (PGRs) from all departments, to provide you with a platform to present excellent and frontier research.
The aim is further your research presentation/communication skills, receive constructive feedback, and inspire researchers across centres and departments at Leeds University Business School. First Year students are encouraged to attend the conference to gain valuable experience and connect with PGRs and staff across the Faculty.
Further development opportunities
As a postgraduate researcher at Leeds University Business School you will be invited to take part in the University of Leeds Postgraduate Research Showcase and the White Rose DTP Annual Conference. Funding is also available for those wishing to attend or present at other conferences both in the UK and globally.
We also offer postgraduate researchers the opportunity to apply for placements within industry, undertaking policy relevant research and developing research skills within the organisation. These internships allow you to engage with the needs of external organisations and to learn from this in tailoring your future research plans.
The Business School runs a range of activities that bring members of the school together with key external stakeholders to help ensure the continuing relevance of our research to user communities.