Ideas in Practice seminar series

The image shows a young woman to the left with an open delegate pack, looking to the front of the room as though avidly listening to the presentation. In front of her, we see other delegates watching the conference presenter.

Ideas in Practice is a free seminar series bringing together business people, policymakers and academics.

The events take place in Leeds, London and online, where we discuss important topics and share ideas to help companies and public bodies both in the UK and globally.

Recent events

Visit our event archive 

Visit our Ideas in Practice events calendar

Why attend?

We address key issues in areas such as technology and innovation, finance and the economy, international business strategy, as well as environmental sustainability and inclusive societies. The seminars give you the opportunity to:

  • Gain insights from leading experts 
  • Network with people from different areas with different perspectives
  • Collaborate on projects, small to large
  • Take part in dialogue on important issues of the day
  • Find out what other people are doing and how they overcome problems

Our vision

Ideas in Practice supports the Business School's mission and values of producing research that makes an impact on society, business and the economy. We hope the events will:

  • Lead to new collaborations to do research, e.g. as part of a grant application to a research funding council
  • Inspire discussions about business and economic challenges and opportunities
  • Bring leading experts from around the world in to contact with business and policy audiences
  • Create a forum for bringing together different perspectives on a particular issue of current interest

Visit our event archive.

Please contact Grace Carter ( if you would like to discuss an Ideas in Practice event or are seeking event organisation advice.

Subscribe to our Ideas in Practice invitation list by emailing Grace Carter at the address above.

By agreeing to receive emails, your details will be stored on a secure University database, and we will continue to contact you until you unsubscribe. For more information, please see our privacy notice.