Research and innovation blog

This blog showcases some of our research and the impact it has had by inspiring business managers, informing policy makers and influencing society. It also features informative entries for researchers at various stages of their careers, as well as news and opinion pieces of interest to the business research community. All the articles on this blog are the view of the individual authors, not Leeds University Business School or the University of Leeds.

Article title
"It takes two flints to make a fire"
7 ways to raise your profile on Twitter
10 commandments for judging the merits of an empirical paper: A guide for reviewers
10 reasons why you should do a systematic literature review – and how to conduct one!
250 posts on our Research and Innovation Blog!
2022: A year of achievements for the Business School’s researchers
2154 – is this the year when women and men will finally be paid the same?
A Budget for the next generation? Not likely.
Accolades for articles: our researchers’ papers make it into “most read” lists
A Challenge Fund success story
A Crisis in Economics? If Only It Were True…
Action Plan Launched for Delivering Shared Decision Making in the UK
A database for new medical devices
Addressing the Covid-19 crisis with a global, behavioural science research collaboration
Addressing workplace diversity challenges
A Democracy to Come? Investigating Change in Alternative Organisations: An Overview
Advancing cultural heritage governance for climate change adaptation
A gap between research and practice - Is it simply a question of means and methods?
A hot topic: heat hazards in the media
AI meets healthcare: why management matters more than technology
Air pollution may be affecting how happy you are
Almshouses: charity housing is resurging but this is not something to be celebrated
Alternative Business Structures May “Dominate in High-Volume Legal Services”, Study Says
Amazon still seems hell bent on turning workers into robots – here’s a better way forward
Americans disagree on how risky the coronavirus is, but most are changing their behavior anyway
Am I a leader or a friend?
Anticipating Evolutions of a Networked Society – Reflections from an Early Stage Researcher
An update on Modern Slavery trends in the UK: analyses of UK National Referral Mechanism (NRM) statistics
A quick guide to climate change jargon – what experts mean by mitigation, carbon neutral and 6 other key terms
Are "green" cleaning products better for us?
Are financial scandals the new normal?
Assessing equality in the legal profession – where are the female law firm leaders?
A tale of two video game consoles
Automation, the future of work and alternative policies
Banking Network Needed to Fill the Green Investment Gap
Banking Network Needed to Fill the Green Investment Gap
Ban on gender stereotypes - blessing or bane?
Behavioural science: could supermarket loyalty cards nudge us to make healthier choices?
Being an international researcher
Black Friday: Has the Day of Discounts Reached its Peak?
Blame Austerity – Not Immigration – For Taking Britain to ‘Breaking Point’
Bridging climate science and finance to tackle industry challenges
Bridging the rigour-relevance gap in enterprise research
Bringing scholars and business leaders together through Impact Pathways
Britain’s Needless Kick in the Teeth for its Struggling Steel Mills
British farmers are being offered a lump sum payment to leave the industry – but at what cost to agriculture?
Broadening the visibility of your research
Building and maintaining strategic agility
Business analytics: making sense of big data
Calling Yorkshire Female Business Owners – Have Your Story Told
Can asking about people’s social circles inform election predictions?
Can becoming a leader change your personality?
Can entrepreneurship alone solve the poverty conundrum?
Can the North fuel the Northern Powerhouse?
Can workforce diversity stimulate transformation towards a more sustainable future?
Capitalising on COVID-19 as a Trigger for Positive Change in Food Waste Behaviour
Capital structure and financial flexibility
Career progression for women in small and medium-sized law firms
Case-study: Harnessing Yorkshire-based academic expertise for strategic impact
Celebrating 25 Years’ Service
Celebrating International Women’s Day
Celebrating Research with Impact
Celebrating the Blog’s First Birthday!
Centre focus: CERIC
Centre Focus: The Centre for Employment Relations, Innovation and Change
Centre focus: The Workplace Behaviour Research Centre
CERIC report published on union-led training and learning
Challenges of flexible working for workers, managers, and organisations
Changes to agricultural relief: another nail in the coffin for UK agriculture
ChatGPT: why it will probably remain just a tool that does inefficient work more efficiently
Children’s use of social media is creating a new type of digital native
China in Africa Symposium
China’s Economic Downturn: Business and Political Implications
China’s outward FDI to Europe after Brexit
China’s Slowdown Leaves Silk Road Open to British Service Businesses
Christmas Cheer Can Be Dear Part 2: The Redux
Christmas Cheer Can Be Dear…
Civics education is at an all-time low in Australia. Mapping our ‘civic journeys’ may help
Climathon Inspires New Ideas for Leeds
Collaborating with the government
Collaborative Working between Academia and Businesses - Impact, Relevance and Effectiveness
Communicating Better About Food
Complex and Open Innovation for Networked Society
Conference: A future for post-industrial communities?
Confessions of a HR Management academic
Constrained rural entrepreneurship in South Africa: A tale of two agricultures
Coronavirus shows we can – and must – change how we work
Corporate leaders and climate action
Covid-19 and the spatial distribution of business closures: Evidence from West Yorkshire
COVID-19 could end our dependence on cars — if we ‘build back better’
COVID-19 recovery: How will people re-engage work and employment?
COVID-19 research: are we moving too fast?
COVID-19, SMEs and net zero
Covid mortality: at-risk groups and vaccine hesitancy
COVID vaccines don’t just benefit physical health – they improve mental health too
Creating an inclusive organisation for employees and customers
Creating inclusive jobs by community job crafting
Crowdfunding for building digital goods: Why post-release plans should matter to developers and prospective backers
Curiosity stretched the brand: unusual new products and social media engagement
Currency internationalisation: Opportunities and risks in emerging markets
Dark patterns: how online companies strive to keep your money and data when you try to leave
Davos: why measures of economic progress must consider the quality of work on offer
Decisions, decisions... the more (options) the merrier
DeepSeek: what you need to know about the Chinese firm disrupting the AI landscape
Democratic renewal in civil society: rethinking the local
Developing a repertoire of writing strategies
Developing future agendas in welfare to work
Developing ideas through crowdsourcing
Diaspora communities and economic impact in the Balkans
Digital transformation and three strategic questions to ask
Digital transformation in SMEs: why relationships matter as much as technology
Diversity in the solicitors’ profession
Do Consumers Know How Much Electricity Is Used By Their Appliances?
Do entrepreneurs value entrepreneurship research?
Does employee choice and control pay off when it comes to hybrid working?
Does stress have a lasting impact on junior doctors?
Doing fieldwork in liquid times
Doing research with impact
Don’t Try to Convince your Employees to Become Environmental Advocates
Eating in the face of death
Eating more fruit and vegetables linked to better mental well-being – new study
Economic democracy: We must restructure the economy, not return it to its pre-COVID-19 state
Ecosystem integrators: a new visible hand?
Editing a Special Issue
Election polls are more accurate if they ask participants how others will vote
Embracing artificial intelligence ethically
Enablers of Transformation in the Foundation Industries
Encouraging a four-day working week could make inequality worse
Engaged scholarship – a means to engagement and impact?
Engaging undergraduates with research projects
Enhancing academic impact over your research career
Enterprise on low income: motives, value, and experiences
Entrepreneurship, Ethnicity and Place in Post-Conflict Environments
Entrepreneurship and economic resilience in the Leeds City Region
Entrepreneurship as Practice
Entrepreneurs working with friends: is it better to be the boss or the buddy?
EU Referendum: The Ultimate Ultimatum Game
Even concerned consumers don’t know which food choices have the lowest climate impact
Evidence-based Policy and Policy as ‘Translation’: Designing a Model for Policy-making
Exploring collaboration and social value in supply chains at the Supply Chain Summit 2024
Exploring collaborative research impact
Extending a helping hand: How receiving gratitude makes a difference in employee performance during a crisis
Facilitating transition from maternity leave to work for working mothers: An intervention study
Facing the future of food
Fact check: Is China dumping steel?
Fair Work Business Start-up
Fear of Failure and the ICT Entrepreneurship Process
Festival of Ideas 2018 - an overview
Finding common ground between academics, business practitioners, and government agencies
Fintech and the future of finance
First impressions of an online academic conference
Five Benefits of Visiting Another University for Research
Five things junior doctors need to know before they hit the wards
Five ways organisations can improve gender pay parity
Five Ways to Fix the UK’s Productivity Puzzle From the Inside Out
Five years on: How COVID-19 research shaped policy and practice
Flooding in Lillehammer: integrating cultural heritage into disaster risk management
Forget Brexit – Austerity is Far Worse for the UK Economy
Forget national insurance – Britain needs an economic policy U-turn
Forging a future for the British Steel Industry
Fostering the adoption and innovation of emerging technologies: The case of Ericsson and 5G
Four-day work week is a necessary part of human progress – here’s a plan to make it happen
Four ways that archival research can help you understand the past, present and future of work
Frontier academic research, industrial R&D, and technological progress: the case of OECD countries
Funding 4.0: The state of funding in the Leeds City Region
Future City Production, Economic Regeneration and Democratisation: The Case of 3D Weaving
Gender and ethnic careers in the solicitors’ profession - The importance of intersectional analysis and going beyond equal opportunities
Gendered discourse in corporate boardrooms
Gender equality efforts and academic values: the pursuit of meritocracy in higher education institutions
German election: why most political parties aren’t talking about the climate crisis
Getting serious with LEGO® Play
Getting Started With a Piece of Writing
Getting the Most out of Networking at Conferences
Ginger Nut Shortage Takes the Biscuit
Girls in ICT
Global university rankings now include social impact: African universities are off to a strong start
Global value chains and the Commonwealth
Goal-setting + ?: The missing ingredient that makes performance happen
Good use of big data
Government help for the unemployed
Governments can keep raiding takeaways and nail bars, but businesses will still employ undocumented migrants
Governments can learn from consumer psychology when it comes to public health messaging
Happy New Year!
Helping Cancer Research UK save lives by improving risk communications
How ageing affects the way we make decisions
How are employers in warehousing and food manufacturing dealing with ongoing workforce pressures?
How can policymakers address obstacles to exporting?
How can smart cities become greener?
How can universities help industries to digitalize? Lessons from a knowledge transfer project
How Channel 4’s move to Leeds will benefit the City
How citizen science can benefit research in tackling societal problems
How close are we to an accurate AI fake news detector?
How co-opting external events, humour and timeliness can help marketing campaigns
How concerned are people about climate-related risks to health?
How concrete and abstract marketing can affect home-buyers' mortgage decisions
How different forms of crisis can teach us about impacts on entrepreneurship and how policy might respond
How does sponsored content affect influencers’ authenticity?
How emerging market firms learn from multinational enterprises
How fathers being over-worked can negatively impact children’s future career success
How I finished my PhD early
How immigration can make some UK-born residents feel worse off even if they aren’t
How minimum wage rises will affect the early years education and childcare sector
How peripheral regions can drive symbolic knowledge innovation - insights from the Bauhaus movement
How postdoctoral fellowships build academic careers
How psychopathic traits develop over time
How reference points shape our perception of gain and loss
How remote working can affect workplace learning
How steelworker communities cope with restructuring
How steel workers see climate change affecting the future of their industry
How Strengthening the Bargaining Power of Workers Could Boost UK Productivity
How stress impacts decision making
How tackling climate change can affect work and industrial change
How to build a productive writing practice
How to help healthcare workers from BAME backgrounds during the pandemic
How to increase the reach of your research publication
How to reduce older adult care nurse turnover and enhance retention? By acknowledging nurses’ professional identity
How to respond to journal reviewers’ comments
How to unlock green and place-based public investment with the help of HM Treasury’s Green Book and systems thinking in economics
How to use social media for networking at academic conferences
How to work in interdisciplinary teams
How to write a book review
How to write a grant proposal
How to write an introduction chapter for a thesis
How virtual influencers can be used to engage climate sceptics
How Will 3D Printing Change Supply Chain Management?
Hybrid working and workplace networks – how are these things connected, and why should we care?
If you want Americans to pay attention to climate change, just call it climate change
Impact Matters: Leeds University Business School Sponsors Scholarly Impact Award and Reception
Implications of the latest Human Rights legislations relating to supply chains
Improving environmental sustainability in the Foundation Industries
Improving medical and social care for transitioning adolescents with cerebral palsy
Improving research culture through addressing inequality in research funding
Improving the Efficiency of Internationalisation Policy in the EU
Improving UK Consumers' Decisions About Food Waste
Improvising marketing in real-time with social media
Inclusive recycling: green jobs to support a circular economy in sustainable cities
Income Distribution, Work and Employment: Identifying the Problems
Incontinence affects more than 200m people worldwide, so why isn’t more being done to find a cure?
Industry engagement: A visit from Gisela Abbam, GE Healthcare
Influencing policy
In future, we’ll see fewer generic AI chatbots like ChatGPT and more specialised ones that are tailored to our needs
Injustice in post-industrial communities
Inspiring solutions for business through our ‘Ideas in Practice'
International Women’s Day 2018
International Women’s Day 2019 – a spotlight on our research
In the struggle to get Britain working, the long shadow of austerity could be part of the problem
In this election, Trump is down, but far from out
Investigating behavioural biases of pension scheme trustees
Investigation into Amazon’s use of agency workers raises important questions
Is music streaming bad for musicians?
Is My Data Valuable?
Is the Environment Conspiring Against Us to Make Us Fat?
IWD Podcast: Celebrating International Women’s Day 2021
IWD Podcast: Gender inequalities in work and care
IWD Podcast: Leading through the pandemic: Vice Chancellor Buitendijk on the challenges of overwork and perfectionism
IWD Podcast: Matters that affect women in the workplace
IWD Podcast: The role of gender in economics
IWD Podcast: Women in the tech industry
Just how dangerous is economics for management practice?
Key insights from the Leeds Festival of Economics, Democracy and the Workplace
Key lessons from a world-leading Decision Science conference
Lack of trust in public figures linked to COVID vaccine hesitancy – new research
Launching the Leeds Index of Platform Labour Protest
Launch of the Digital Futures at Work Research Centre
Learning about evacuations and crowds at the Be Curious festival
Leeds Academics Produce Policy Report on Employer Engagement
Leeds Conference Brings International Entrepreneurship Education Researchers Together
Leeds Research Centre is Hosting the BUIRA Annual Conference
Leeds to Host the Work, Employment and Society Conference 2016
Lessons from the 1890s to realign innovation and finance in post-Brexit Britain
Living with water: heritage, flooding and resilience in Hull
Locked down in distress
Locked down in distress: how did the initial Covid-19 wave affect mental health in the UK?
Logistics Collaboration: Understanding Drivers, Barriers and Benefits
Making a difference in organisations: implementing a Diversity and Inclusion strategy
Making the most of an industrial PhD
Managing Complex Decision Making in Design and Product Development
Managing Cybersecurity for Globally Operating Businesses
Managing hybrid office misfits
Managing in the age of disruption
Managing Job Loss Responsibly
Managing pensions - what do trustees look for?
Mapping the Future of Finance - FESSUD at the Bank of England
Mapping the trustee landscape
Marketers should use positive messaging to help consumers deal with the cost-of-living crisis
Measuring poverty so that the poorest are not left behind
Measuring the impact of immigration on subjective well-being
Meet five virtual influencers inspiring climate action
Migrant women in business – a focus on West Yorkshire
Migration and return: understanding returnee entrepreneurship
Migration systems in transition: is changing regulation during the pandemic increasing risks for migrants?
Moana fulfils Disney’s long journey from timid princess to empowered working woman
Mobilising consumers through digital activism: why customer loyalty matters when using digital activism strategies to motivate businesses to collaborate
Modern slavery: how the UK government’s 2023 reforms made it harder for victims to prove they are being exploited
Moncalieri through time - water, landscape, heritage, and resilience
More Customer Orientation is not Always Better for Frontline Employees
More neurotic, less agreeable, less conscientious: how job insecurity shapes your personality
Most food waste happens at home – new research reveals the best ways to reduce it
Motivations in a context of poverty entrepreneurship
Moving from diversity initiatives to a culture of inclusion
Moving towards research independence
Musicians are Exploited on the London and Paris Jazz Scenes
My experience at the Northern European Consumer Research Symposium
My experience of completing an Early Career Fellowship
NARTI - business and management training
NARTI: advancing researcher development in business and management
National Apprenticeship Week and the apprenticeship levy: delving beneath the surface of the English apprenticeship system
Navigating just transitions: global strategies for a worker-centric decarbonisation
Navigating Machiavellianism in corporate alliance partnerships
New insights into platform work: Leeds Index of Platform Labour Protest
Not for love nor money: How will the government staff its proposed expansion of childcare entitlement hours amid a crisis of recruitment and retention in the early years?
Nudge theory: what 15 years of research tells us about its promises and politics
Nurseries must close: working class women are, again, made to pay the price of the pandemic
Nurses need care too – how curbing self-sacrifice can prevent burnouts
Nurse turnover in older adult social care: how to enhance nurse retention
Older people have smaller but closer social networks
Open view on strategy
Operating within a ‘Devil’s Circle’: Tackling corruption in transition and post-conflict economies
Opportunities and challenges of platformisation in the Indian music streaming economy
Our 2016 Research Highlights
Our Future Research Leaders
Out With the Old, In With the New: David Bowie and His Use of Creative Destruction
Payments for public goods: Rethinking what it is to be a good farmer
Pay Rises, Trade Unions and the Great Recession
Penalty zones and international sustainability standards
Perceptions of Climate and Weather Risks in the UK
Persistent job insecurity can negatively alter our personality
Philip Hammond Plays the Pragmatist but Lacks the Vision to Deliver as Chancellor
Podcast - Examining constrained rural entrepreneurship – how farmers are adapting post-Brexit
Podcast - The social shaping of technology in food retail - why context matters for the future of work
Podcast: A balancing act between sustainability and profitability
Podcast: Adapting offices for the future of work - A case study with Avnet
Podcast: Addressing the gender gap in economics
Podcast: A fractured global economy
Podcast: All quiet on the biodiversity strategy front - multinational enterprises, value creation and sustainable ecosystems
Podcast: Becoming a young radical right activist - an analysis of Poland and Germany
Podcast: Being on a work placement or starting your first job during the pandemic
Podcast: Bullying in the workplace
Podcast: Can manufacturing SMEs be both productive and environmentally sustainable?
Podcast: Central Bank Digital Currencies and the potential demise of the US dollar
Podcast: Collaboration done right – key traits of successful partnerships
Podcast: Communicating how to reduce carbon footprints through consumer food choices
Podcast: Corporate innovation challenges
Podcast: Cotton hidden voices - stories from the makers of your clothes
Podcast: Creating an ergonomic workspace for those returning to the office
Podcast: Designing management and innovation courses for team-based learning
Podcast: Dynamic managerial capabilities in micro-enterprises
Podcast: Education, skills and wage inequality
Podcast: Fashion supply chains, modern slavery, and the Covid-19 pandemic
Podcast: Filipino migrant workers in Malaysia - trajectories of undocumented labour
Podcast: Freedom within a framework
Podcast: From laughter therapy to testing communication strategies for emergency evacuations
Podcast: Furlough and the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
Podcast: Gender inequalities in digital India
Podcast: Global Value Chains and the role of Emerging Market Multinationals
Podcast: How acting ethically within a supply chain can positively affect a company’s bottom-line and resilience
Podcast: How can the Foundation Industries reach Net Zero?
Podcast: How COVID-19 has increased the complexity of the fashion industry and its supply chains
Podcast: How do students and organisations get value out of work placements?
Podcast: How family members can support each other’s entrepreneurial activities
Podcast: How is office design changing to accommodate hybrid and new ways of working?
Podcast: How manufacturing SMEs are becoming more environmentally sustainable in the Yorkshire region
Podcast: How museums can use interactive virtual tours to engage with the public and increase donations
Podcast: How personal histories impact our expectations of working life
Podcast: How recent changes to the immigration system have affected the Yorkshire and the Humber workforce
Podcast: How the Covid-19 pandemic has affected global inequalities in work and employment
Podcast: How the third national lockdown is affecting Early Years childcare
Podcast: How to make hybrid meetings effective
Podcast: Independent brands – what do consumers think about them and what do their acquirers need to know?
Podcast: Intersectional identities and career progression in retail
Podcast: Introducing the Digit Data Observatory
Podcast: Introducing the Labour Mobility In Transition project
Podcast: Introducing the Leeds Index of Platform Labour Protest
Podcast: Introducing the “Just Transitions – a global exploration” project
Podcast: Introduction
Podcast: Just Transitions - a Global Exploration: Germany
Podcast: Just Transitions - a global exploration: Russia
Podcast: Just Transitions - a global exploration: The US
Podcast: Just Transitions - The Trades Union Congress on climate change and workers’ voices
Podcast: Just Transitions – a global exploration: Poland
Podcast: Just Transitions – a global exploration: South Africa
Podcast: Labour shortages, automation, and upskilling in UK food and drink manufacturing
Podcast: Mapping entrepreneurial competencies
Podcast: Modern slavery and business
Podcast: New challenges for MNEs within the fractured Global Economy
Podcast: Precarious workers in Poland and Germany
Podcast: Preparing for a change of mindset as well as a change of office space
Podcast: Responding to the impact of COVID-19 on the global textiles industry with communication, collaboration and collective action
Podcast: Rethinking situated learning
Podcast: Sex workers’ experiences of management and other third parties
Podcast: Starting your career during the pandemic
Podcast: System-level sustainability
Podcast: Technologies in the workplace
Podcast: The barriers migrants face when entering the UK workforce
Podcast: The benefits of being a Living Wage Employer
Podcast: The changing nature of strategy work in organisations
Podcast: The danger of making assumptions about digital equality
Podcast: The future of the automotive industry
Podcast: The future workplace
Podcast: The gender pay gap in the financial and legal services
Podcast: The importance of good ventilation
Podcast: The importance of unlearning
Podcast: The inequities within parental leave
Podcast: The limitations and potential of AI - and the role humans have to play in its success
Podcast: Transitioning back to the office
Podcast: Trends in employment practices for student hires during the pandemic
Podcast: Understanding SME engagement with the modern slavery acts
Podcast: Unveiling the art of podcasting
Podcast: Utilising technology to support hybrid working
Podcast: What are work social networks and how do they relate to hybrid working?
Podcast: What do workers want, and need, from an office space?
Podcast: What impact has the COVID-19 pandemic had on human rights within the garment industry in India?
Podcast: What is currency internationalisation and why does it matter?
Podcast: What will the office look like post-pandemic?
Podcast: Why the music industry won’t be “Uberized”
Podcast: “Educators, not glorified babysitters”
Policing in a hybrid work environment: Challenges and lessons learned
Possible solutions preventing dangerous evacuation behaviours: Results from interviews with crowd safety experts
Post-pandemic return to work is a perfect opportunity to move to a four-day week
Presenting with Impact
Press for Progress
Productivity and sustainability?! Being strategic with sustainability
Protecting the Industrial Commons: Redundancies at Rolls Royce and the wider impact on UK industry
Raising an interest in culture is one thing, but how sustainable is it to make a living in the arts?
Re-imagining the UK’s local industrial strategy after the coronavirus pandemic
Reflections on a year of successful ‘Ideas in Practice’ events
Reflections on the 21st Rural Entrepreneurship Conference
Regeneration without gentrification? Challenges in transforming the urban space
Researching our students’ experience: surprises and learnings
Research on Venture Capital Firms Feeds into Government Policy
Research with Impact: Access to Finance for Business Growth, Innovation and Working Capital
Research with Impact: Best-in-Class International Franchising in the Retail Sector
Research with Impact: Consumer Surveys Informing Monetary Policy
Research with Impact: Developing More Effective Financial Support Provision
Research with Impact: Shopping Mission-based Assortment Organisation in Retailing
Research with Impact: The Governance of Multinational Enterprises
Responsible innovation in medical technology
Rethinking supply chains - a special issue
Returning to the office: How to craft our work for a successful transition
Returning to the office will be a case of trial and error
Revealing fathers’ impact on their children’s learning and development: our new study
Revolutionising financial decision-making with emerging technologies and interdisciplinary approaches
Rewriting the social contract
Rio 2016 and the Marginal Gains from Data Analytics
Rishi Sunak is wrong: we polled the British public and found it largely supports strong climate policies
Roadmap for developing a research funding proposal
Robots are not coming to steal your job: digital technology is coming to make you work like a robot. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Second-hand silver: a buoyant trade
Security guard. £1 an hour. Bring own dog.
Seven ways to make supply chain managers seriously engage in environmental sustainability
Six ways to reduce financial fraud – lessons from history
Sleep deprivation costs the economy billions – and sends workers to an early grave
SME COVID-19 challenges and opportunities for the workplace
SME internationalisation beyond exporting
SMEs are a bedrock of the British economy – so why is it so hard to get northern enterprises funded?
Social innovation: tackling poverty via quasi-profit organizations
Society and Organisational Success
Speeding up the internationalisation process for European entrepreneurs
Sport and business: learning to compete effectively
Stop working on your commute – it doesn’t benefit anyone
Sunak’s climate shift is out of touch with the demands of the UK’s workforce – here’s why
Sunak’s new job support scheme offers warm words but no escape from the coming unemployment chill
Supporting fathers to get more involved at school
Supporting people with incontinence as an interdisciplinary research challenge
Supporting Research
Supporting UK farmers towards net-zero agriculture
Support services play a crucial role in the benefits system but are currently at risk of being overwhelmed
Survival strategies in British textiles: Investment and financial opportunities in the ‘Northern Powerhouse’
Survival Strategies in the Textile Industry
Tackling regional financial imbalances to increase firms’ productivity in the UK
Taylor Review: a high principled report into the gig economy that will fail to deliver
Tech firms like to make cancelling subscriptions infuriatingly hard – but regulators are starting to crack down
Telling tales for adaptation
The 21st century quality challenges for top management
The adoption of industrial digital technology in UK manufacturing SMEs
The Benefits of Undertaking a Placement Alongside Your PhD
The business of policymaking
The Business of Policymaking podcast - In conversation with Janez Potočnik
The Business of Policymaking Podcast - In conversation with Louise Scott
The Business of Policymaking Podcast - In conversation with Sarah Jackson, OBE
The Business of Policymaking Podcast - In conversation with Willem Adema
The challenges ahead for Britain's new chancellor, Philip Hammond
The Challenges Ahead for Britain’s New Chancellor, Philip Hammond
The challenges of remote communication for new workers
The Consumer Data Research Centre
The effect forced migration has on returnee entrepreneurs
The effect of business groups on innovation and exports in China
The Festival of Ideas 2019
The Foreign Language Effect in Judgements of Risk and Benefit
The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Challenges and Opportunities
The future of gig work: addressing pay and conditions
The Future of Inclusive Growth in Leeds City Region
The gendered effects of UK childcare policies
The gender pay gap highlights broader inequalities at play
The highs and lows of a research journey
The hybrid training gap
The impact of Covid-19 on unethical practices in global supply chains
The importance of being proactive at the start of your career when remote working
The importance of emotional support for entrepreneurs in a crisis
The individual’s dilemma before the state’s ethics: Mexico and COVID-19
The limits of the “platform economy”: why haven’t platforms taken over live music?
The living wage that’s not for living: the problem with the “National Living Wage”
The millions of people not looking for work in the UK may be prioritising education, health and freedom
The most vulnerable shoulder rising energy costs because their homes aren’t efficient enough – here’s why that’s so hard to tackle
The need for skills provision when decarbonising the Foundation Industries
The need to work less is a matter of life and death
The Northern Advanced Research Training Initiative Celebrates Ten Years
The office-home divide
The Psychology Behind Avoiding Haggis For Dinner
There are more than 300 ways to work flexibly – here are four tips to make it work for you
The role of identity in the lives of migrant workers
The rural cost of living crisis: Exploring the constraints facing hill farmers in England
The UK is facing an economic crisis – here’s why it needs to find a global solution
The voice, loyalty and exit of precarious workers in Germany
The World Café: a qualitative research method
The “metaverse” - another buzzword or the next digital “holy grail”?
This is where we are – what next?
Three ways the older adult care sector can strengthen nurse retention strategies by learning from nurse turnover
Time to take a sick day: working when ill is bad for you – and your company
To reduce unemployment, companies should cut hours instead of laying off staff
Transforming the support offered to healthcare workers from ethnically diverse communities
Trump’s tariff on trade
Trust and distrust in buyer-supplier relationships
Turning data into value
Two months in the life of a junior doctor
UK budget 2017: experts respond
UK interest rates: crashing the economy is no way to bring down inflation
Understanding decisions: The power of combining psychology and economics
Understanding Heterogeneity in Pension Plan Decisions: The Retirement Belief Model
Understanding Income and Wealth Inequality In High-Income Countries
Understanding refugee entrepreneurship
Understanding the impact of in-module student engagement with business professionals
Understanding the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on high-growth entrepreneurial firms
Understanding the role technology can play in reducing financial vulnerability
Understanding work-family reconciliation challenges in SMEs
Universal credit: extending the £20-a-week uplift isn’t enough – our research shows the whole system needs an overhaul
University of Leeds celebrates Open Access week
Unlocking the puzzles of financialisation
Unveiling hidden costs within fund management
Unveiling kitchen and food hygiene risk behaviour through innovative research
Upcoming Seminar: International Strategy and Expansion in Emerging Markets
Urinary incontinence: breaking the silence
Using AI as a force for management innovation
Using design thinking to address global challenges
Utilising the Internet of Things in business
Video: Big Data and the reimagining of the car
Video: Chinese overseas investment
Video: Consumer perceptions of energy use
Video: Developing advice for people in debt
Video: Developing more effective financial support service provision in the UK
Video: Encouraging energy efficiency and behaviour change in schools
Video: Framing climate uncertainty
Video: Homelessness, health and housing
Video: How to become a global academic
Video: Improving cancer screening communications
Video: Income as a universal right
Video: Innovation as a management challenge
Video: Integrating emotional support into the debt advice process
Video: Rain or Shine? Understanding Public Perceptions of Weather and Climate Risk
Video: Researching the Importance of Body and Metaphoric Language when Pitching to Investors
Video: Returning to work
Video: Strategic leadership in liminal space
Video: The Festival of Ideas 2019
Video: The perils of a fizz-less drink
Video: Understanding Human-Centric Analytics
Video: Why drivers speed
Weathering the Storm: Does Worker Participation in Firm Decisions Make a Difference?
West Africa: empirehood and colonialism offer lessons in integration
What are the benefits of diversity in the workplace?
What are the International Comparisons in Employer Engagement?
What are the main obstacles for West Yorkshire companies when it comes to exporting?
What can affect the performance of foreign subsidiaries in Asia?
What Can Elite Sport Teach Us About Effective Data Analytics?
What Can Wimbledon Teach Us About Entrepreneurship?
What difference does ‘time with dad’ make to children’s learning?
What Do Employers Think About Apprenticeships and Employing More Disabled People?
What explains the evolution of management models over the past two centuries?
What happens when a researcher attends a conference?
What influence does gender diversity at board level have on strategic change in firms?
What is economic psychology?
What is impact and how is it achieved in Business and Management?
What is research culture and how are we supporting it?
What motivates suppliers to share knowledge with their buyers?
What motivates workers to share knowledge on online platforms within organisations?
What role can local government play in the future of warehousing work?
What value can universities add to economic recovery planning?
What’s in store for the UK in 2023? Here’s one economist’s view
What’s my motivation?
When water is scarce we’re willing to share what we really need
White Rose University Press
Why a holistic approach is needed to improve supply chain forecasting
Why a new eurozone crisis now looks a distinct possibility
Why are Americans so divided on refugee policy?
Why are brands with a nostalgic touch successful?
Why central banks should stop raising interest rates
Why climate change researchers need social scientists
Why early-years education must be prioritised in pandemic recovery plans
Why improving social housing could be remarkably simple (and affordable)
Why It's So Hard To Lift The Tampon Tax
Why it’s so hard to be young in Britain right now
Why MNES should locate their R&D units in countries with both strong and weak IP protection
Why mortgage rates will not return to recent lows any time soon
Why the built work environment is so valuable to those just beginning their careers
Why the English and British don’t see eye to eye when it comes to immigration
Why unemployment can feel worse when there is less of it around
Why using technology to spy on home-working employees may be a bad idea
Why wages should keep up with inflation: the economic case for getting a pay rise
Why we’re hardwired to ignore safety advice during a heatwave
Why you should review papers early on in your academic career
Will ‘smartpayment’ technology lead to smarter consumers? Changing how we pay is changing how we spend.
Women onto Boards
Worker-Managed Firms Reduce Their Internal Wage Gap, But Top Performers Tend to Quit
Workers are ready for a green future
Working conditions and employment in adult social care: familiar challenges, but what are possible solutions?
Workplace ostracism: A misunderstood behaviour
Workshop: basic income and the future of work
Writing, publishing and disseminating Creative Industries Entrepreneurship research
Writing a Conference Proposal
Writing a Research PhD Proposal
Writing for impact
Young Germans are tuning out of politics
‘I might as well stop and diversify into holiday lets’ – new research reveals the reality of farming after Brexit
‘Meme stock’ investors are trying to catch up with a financial system which has left them behind
“Alexa, does listening to you change my risk perception?”
“A meeting of minds between academia and industry” – the benefits of Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
“I feel safe when I’m working with her”: Sex workers’ experiences of management and other third parties
“Talk to Me, Not at Me”: Tips for achieving and managing collaborative communication effectively
“The good, the bad, and the local”: How employee accents affect customer participation in intercultural service encounters