Podcast: Bullying in the workplace
- Workplace Behaviour Research Centre

Dr Sam Farley speaks to Julie Dennis, Head of Diversity and Inclusion at ACAS, about workplace bullying – the different forms of bullying and harassment, the effect the pandemic and working online has had on it, and how ACAS can help with disputes and offer advice.
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This podcast episode was recorded remotely in March 2022. If you would like to get in touch regarding this podcast, please contact research.lubs@leeds.ac.uk. You can visit ACAS’s bullying guidance on their website. A transcript of this episode is available.
Dr Sam Farley and Julie Dennis presented research and advice on workplace bullying in February at an Ideas in Practice seminar, along with Matthew Lewis, Partner, Squire Patton Boggs. There was also a roundtable discussion chaired by Dr Helen Hughes, Leeds University Business School. Visit the Ideas in Practice webpage for information about the series and future events. You can also read our previous blog posts on other Ideas in Practice seminars.
About the speakers:
Dr Sam Farley is an Associate Professor in Organizational Psychology at the University of Leeds Business School. He is particularly interested in the Dark Side of workplace behaviour, including bullying, cyberbullying and incivility. Within this field, his interests include the measurement of bullying, perpetrators of bullying and methods of preventing and addressing bullying in organisational life.
Julie Dennis is Head of Diversity and Inclusion at ACAS. Julie is a Diversity and Inclusion specialist with 20 years’ experience, gained within the public and voluntary sectors. As Head of Diversity & Inclusion at ACAS, Julie is responsible for leading and providing expert advice on all diversity & inclusion related matters, with the aim of building an inclusive culture that drives engagement and ultimately performance.
Visit the ACAS website for further information.
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