Podcast: The importance of unlearning
- Centre for Employment Relations, Innovation and Change

Dr James Brooks is joined by his colleagues, Professor Irena Grugulis and Dr Hugh Cook, once again, to discuss the importance of unlearning in the workplace. Using their research with the UK Fire and Rescue Service to give examples, they talk about the need to unlearn outdated practices and knowledge in order to become more efficient organisations and employees.
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Read the paper: "Unlearning and consent in the UK Fire and Rescue Service", Human Relations, volume 75, issue 12; James Brooks, Irena Grugulis and Hugh Cook.
This builds on Dr Brooks, Professor Grugulis and Dr Cook’s previous research on rethinking situated learning and communities of practice. You can listen to their previous podcast episode on this topic here.
About the speakers: Professor Irena Grugulis is Professor of Work and Skills at Leeds University Business School. Her main area of research interest is learning and skills, how employees gain the skills that they have and the various workplace systems and structures that limit or encourage this.
Dr Hugh Cook is Associate Professor in Employment Relations and HRM. He researches work and employment, specifically the implementation of strategic HRM and training systems and their effect on employee-related outcomes.
Dr James Brooks is a Lecturer in Management Consulting and HRM. He researches work and employment, specifically how employees share knowledge and skills and also the control, management and regulation of emotions at work.
This podcast episode was recorded remotely in October 2022. If you would like to get in touch regarding this podcast, please contact research.lubs@leeds.ac.uk. A transcript of this episode is available.
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