Podcast: Central Bank Digital Currencies and the potential demise of the US dollar
- Applied Institute for Research in Economics

Professor Annina Kaltenbrunner is joined by Dr Bianca Orsi and Dr Sophia Kuehnlenz to discuss Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and whether CBDCs alone are enough to change the hierarchical nature of the international monetary system. The team also talk about what effect CBDCs could have on the US dollar.
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This podcast episode was recorded remotely in March 2023. If you would like to get in touch regarding this podcast, please contact research.lubs@leeds.ac.uk. A transcript of this episode is available.
About the speakers: Annina Kaltenbrunner is Professor of Global Economics at Leeds University Business School. She is a pluralist Macro-Development Economist with an interest in financial and monetary dynamics in developing and emerging economies.
Dr Bianca Orsi is a lecturer in the Economics department at Leeds University Business School. Her main research interests are on monetary policy, monetary policy transmission mechanism, inflation, capital controls, interest rate, exchange rate, currency internationalization and currency hierarchy, and financial integration.
Dr Sophia Kuehnlenz is a lecturer in Economics at the Manchester Metropolitan Business School. Her research aims to establish an improved Minsky – inspired theory and an overhaul of methodology (mainstream and heterodox) with regard to modelling crisis episodes specifically and capitalist production economies more generally.
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