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Leeds University Business School
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Leeds University Business School
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Adaptation Information Management Technology
Applied Institute of Research in Economics
Centre for Advanced Studies in Finance
Centre for Employment Relations Innovations and Ch
Centre for Financial Technologies and Innovation
Centre for International Business at the Universit
Credit Management Research Centre
Centre for Operations and Supply Chain Research
Centre for Technology, Innovation and Engagement
Global and Strategic Marketing Research Centre
International Banking institute
Socio-Technical Centre
Workplace Behaviour Research Centre
Centre for Decision Research
Centre for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Studies
Project title
A behavioural science approach for evaluating communications about climate related risks and uncertainties
A Better Future - Understanding Refugee Entrepreneurship (BFURE)
Accelerated Knowledge Transfer with LBBC
Access to finance and productivity enhancing investments in the UK
A comparative study of non-standard employment
Adapting offices for the future of work
Adopting a Circular Economy Business Model for Resource Efficiency in ICT industry (ACE4ICT)
Advancing Cultural Heritage Governance for Resilient Climate Adaptation (AGREE)
Advice behaviours: A social network approach
A Framework for Digital Strategy Work: Exploring Inclusion and Transparency in the Strategy Process
AI-powered sourcing tool for fashion and textile companies to assess environmental and social risks
A Just Transition to Circular Economy (JUST2CE)
A Multilevel Framework of NPD Alliance Management: The Dynamics of Coopetition in Co-Development Teams
Analysing the Integration of Brazilian Financial Markets
Analysis of blueprint for business success
Analytics for Demand Responsive Online Intelligent Transport (ADROIT)
An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Financial Vulnerability
An Impact study on relocation, restructuring and the viability of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: The impact on employment, working conditions and regional development
An integrative approach to the World Risk Poll: Analysing risk perception and preparedness to develop effective disaster risk communication strategies
Applying computer modelling, simulation and socio-technical systems analysis to improve NHS dementia care outcomes
Applying risk communication strategies to reduce speeding-related risks
ASEAN Labour Migration
Assessing the relationship between perceptions of organisational support and wellbeing among NHS employees of BAME backgrounds
Assuring the quality of design descriptions through the use of design configuration spaces
A strategic framework for delivering West Yorkshire International Trade Strategy
A tale of two (or more) cities: Neighbourhood rejuvenation through sustainable retailing and marketing strategy
Awareness and attitude towards modern slavery acts by British and Australian small and medium sized enterprises
Barriers to and policy issues arising from FDI in China
Behavioural Aspects of Institutional Investment Decision-Making
Biodiversity loss and global strategy of multinational enterprises
Blockchain enabled Cloud Computing based integrated Carbon Calculator (Be4C)
British companies' exposure to the Chinese Market
Building Future Smart and Self Organising Cities with Resilient Communities
Business Finance Forecasting & Policy Modelling (BEIS)
Can workforce diversity stimulate transformation towards a more sustainable future?
Capitalising on COVID-19 as a Trigger for Positive Change in Food Waste Behaviour
Case study: Technology and performance management in UK policing
Childcare during COVID-19
Climate change, social inequality & psychosocial wellbeing with emerging digital data – a multidisciplinary network between UK and South Korea
Climate change adaptation and work
Collaborative action on the future of migrant working conditions in Yorkshire warehousing
Collaborative decentralised crowd innovation to address complex social problems
Collaborative innovation for addressing incontinence: Understanding women’s experiences of urinary incontinence
Collective ideation and innovation processes
Collective learning fund pilot evaluation phase 1
Competence Centre
Complex and Open Innovation for Networked Society (COINS)
Compliance cascades in global value chains
Conceptualising contemporary professions
Constrained Rural Entrepreneurship
Constructing modern nursing professional identity through interpreting NHS nurses' discourse
Contesting the Platform Economy
Corporate leaders and climate action
COVID-19 and Migration Systems in Transition
Covid-19 and the Spatial Distribution of Business Closures: Evidence from West Yorkshire
Cross-border Customer Engagement in New Product Development: Challenges and Opportunities
Decarbonisation policy support: An international study on the interaction of ideological factors and policy types
Delivering digital drugs
Delphi: Technology and transformation: Barriers and enablers
Democratic deconsolidation at work? Understanding the relationship between voice in the workplace and political engagement across the UK’s social divides
Designing Evidence-Based Communication for Elderly Consumers in Financial Distress
Designing human resource management practices to improve the wellbeing of healthcare workers from BAME backgrounds in the context of COVID-19
Developing an Inclusive Research Culture through Improving Research Support Practices
Developing a reference protocol for expert elicitation in health care decision making
Developing corporate innovation capabilities
Developing leadership in girls
Developing More Effective Financial Support Service Provision in the UK
Devolving to the line – How do people managers really enact HR?
Digital Futures At Work Research Centre
Digital Transformation in the Creative Industries: Emerging Research on the Development within Broadcasting in the Leeds region
Digital transformation of advanced engineering companies
Diversity in the legal profession in England and Wales
Do Private Equity firms create value? Evidence from PE-backed companies
Dynamic Green Capabilities and Performance by Firms in the International Contexts: Systematic Literature Review on Green Marketing and Performance
E-Skills funding in Europe
Early Years Employment Research Hub
Easing Your Transition After the Pandemic (EASYTAP)
Embedding design structures in engineering information
Emerging market global players
Employee physiology and workplace outcomes
Employer engagement in active labour market programmes
Employment relations in UK finance sector
Encouraging workplace dialogue on training and skills – Case studies
Energy Efficient Behaviour Change in Schools
Engaging communities and building social capital
Enhancing MDB Capacity through Local Currency Lending
Enhancing strategy and decision making in financial services
Enhancing the value placed on diversity: from the international classroom to the global workplace
Entrepreneurial Resiliency, Innovation and Change during the Covid-19 Crisis (ERICC)
Entrepreneurship in the Adult Entertainment Industry: Insights from OnlyFans Content Creators
Environmental transparency and accountability
EPSRC: Balancing the impact of city infrastructure engineering on natural systems using robots
Equity Finance Provision in the UK and Regions and the Impact of the Pandemic: An Analysis of Trends in Venture Capital Investments and a Survey of Equity Funded Firms
Establishing the feasibility of using machine learning to investigate UK company strategy and performance
Ethnography and International Business
EU Horizon 2020 IMPACT Project - Impact of Cultural Aspects in the Management of Emergencies in Public Transport
EU social rights/ internal market law
Evaluating mobile data systems in policing
Evaluation of collective learning fund: phase 2
Evaluation of the Migrant Access Project Plus
Evaluation of Unionlearn and the Union Learning Fund
Examination of the social and economic impact of steel redundancies in Wales
Examining the role of the diaspora in fostering entrepreneurship and institutional change
Examining the scope for improving performance through diversity and inclusion in National Highways’ supply chain
Exploring Sustainable Development in UK UNESCO Designated Sites
FDI and economic integration in europe and North America
FDI by Chinese Firms Major topics: Motivation for Chinese investment abroad (PJB, ARC)
Financial fraud and scandal: Lessons from history
Financial Technology
Fire control information management project
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in China Major topics: Spillover effects from inward foreign direct investment (FDI) (PJB, LJC)
Forging a Future for the British Steel Industry
Future Engineering System: Data visualisation and usability evaluation
Future role of Towns and Cities
Future trends in command and control
Gaining value from digital technology
Gender, digital technology, and the future of work in India
Global Value Chains and Finance
Good Employment Relations in the UK offshore oil industry
Green Supply Chain Integration
H3: Healthy soil, healthy food, healthy people
Helping the emergency services utilise mobile technologies
Hospital electronic prescribing and medicine management
Housing is a mental health issue
How to design effective sustainability marketing communications - the role of political ideology
Humans in Digital Logistics
IKnowFood: Integrating Knowledge for Food Systems Resilience
Immersive reflective experience-based adaptive learning (ImREAL)
Immigration and well-being
Impact of Covid-19 on management to eradicate modern slavery from global supply chains: A case study of Indian fashion supply chains
Improving business engagement in employability programmes
Improving decision-making competence and associated quality of life across the lifespan
Improving Research Culture Through Addressing Inequality in Research Funding
Improving the impact of projects on enhancing sustainability in the process industries
Improving the Treatment of Uncertainty in Climate Services in China (Climate Science for Services Partnership China)
Improving Web-based Communications about Cervical Cancer Screening Using Graphs: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Inclusive sustainable policies
Increasing transparency of costs and fees in asset management to improve pension fund performance
India - China FDI comparisons
Individual action through social organisations: The case of poverty
Industrial digital technologies for UK SME exporting manufacturers
Industry’s engagement with and response to the development of modern slavery acts in Australia, France, and the UK
Influencing the Influencers: Accelerating the diffusion of sustainable high fashion clothing
Informal Networks and the Representation of Workers’ Interests
Information and Communication Technologies in the Fire and Rescue Services in England
Informing public sector guidelines on valuing infrastructure spend
Innovate UK: Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) with Southerns Office Interiors (Yorkshire) Limited
Innovation and Knowledge Centre (IKC)
Innovation in UK police forces
International Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances
International Knowledge Transfer and Co-creation through International Entrepreneurship
International Mergers and Acquisitions
Investigating job crafting from a prosocial perspective
Investigation of Trade Union Learning Representative initiative
Job crafting
Job market readiness
Just Transition: action, concepts, debates and strategies - an international comparison across 14 countries
Just transition in the UK
Kent police systems
Key metrics for supporting national and local government waste policy improvements
Kitchen Life 2
Knowledge and Technology Transfer and Reform of the Domestic Sector
Knowledge Management in Multinational Enterprises
Knowledge transfer and management in Chinese multinationals (PJB, MJC, LJC).
Knowledge Transfer Partnership with All Around the World
Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Clipper Logistics
Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Johnson and Johnson Medical Limited: improving demand planning and forecast accuracy through digital sophistication and use of data
Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Katchr
Knowledge Transfer Partnership with LBBC Group: The transition of digital culture in a UK manufacturing SME business
Labour and migration
Labour mobility in transition: a multi-actor study of the re-regulation of migrant work in 'low-skilled' sectors (LIMITS)
Learning in Partnership: Responding to the Restructuring of the European Steel and Metal Sectors
Learning through Work
Leeds Index of Platform Labour Protest
Leeds University Business School System-level Sustainability (LESS) research group
Lessons from the frontline: The impact of redeployment during Covid-19 on nurse well-being, engagement and retention
Longitudinal study: sex work, violence and HIV reduction in southern Africa
Lowering the impact of banking crises in European economies
Mainstreaming Assistive Living Technologies (MALT)
Managing Emergent Technologies for Economic and Social Impact (ManETEI)
Measuring and improving employee engagement and wellbeing within a UK public-sector organisation
Measuring Consumers’ Inflation Expectations
Migrant Women in Business – A Focus on West Yorkshire
Migration, equality and social cohesion: promoting inter-community dialogue in times of change
Migration Worker Project: The experiences of migrants in Barnsley
Mind the gap: investigating the transfer of digital capabilities from the classroom to the business in SMEs
Mobile data terminal (MDT) evaluation in Islington
Mobile information survey
Mobile technology in front line policing
Modern Union Representatives: Case Studies Research
Multiple Agency Information Sharing (MAIS)
NHS Ethnic Minorities Colleagues Wellbeing and Culture Competence Training
Online platforms and working conditions in live music
Organisational resilience: protecting and improving operational performance
Organising and case work in the NUT
Paternal Involvement and its Effects on Children’s Education (PIECE)
Plagiarism podcast
Police mobile technology: benefits realisation
Policing, information and technology in the UK
Policing beyond the pandemic: the transformation of police work practices in response to the crisis
Political Polarisation in Online Debates: The Roles of Brands and Consumers
Post Covid Market Landscape Changes and Product Development: Survival and Readiness Strategies in the Automotive Industry Supply Chain
Predicting inequality from digital textual data
Productivity, Innovation and MNEs (MK, PJB, LJC)
Professional nurse identity: exploring Malaysian hospital nurse identity
Professional Service Firms of the Future: Organizational Responses to Artificial Intelligence in the Legal and Audit Professions
Project Evacuation
Project nomad mobile data evaluation tool
Promoting inclusive growth via developing exporting
Promoting sustainable digital consumption in the era of AI-driven social media marketing
Property Rights Issues in China Major topic: Intellectual property issues and FDI (LJC, ARC).
Protest of essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Pulling a thread: unravelling the trail of modern slavery in the fashion and textile industry
Qualitative Evaluation of ACAS Advisory Project Work
Quality 4.0 and the Future of Assurance
Questionnaire design
Questionnaire design
Raising the Ceiling on Diversity and Inclusion: A Corporate Retail Case Study
Raising the demand for learning
Reconceptualising inclusion at work
Relationship between care home staffing and quality of care: a mixed methods approach
Researcher Links Workshop: "Environmental technology innovation for green supply chains"
Research Network on Work, Labour and Climate Change
Reshaping competence-based future entrepreneurship research and pedagogy
Responding to the COVID-19 jobs crisis and beyond: building an evidence base for public policy
Restructuring, redundancy and sustainable employment: the challenges of the contemporary economic crisis
Return Policies
Reuse to reduce food waste: understanding policy barriers preventing food upcycling
Review of on-the-job learning methodologies
Scan4Safety at Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust: a longitudinal study
Seminar Series on Food Options, Opinions and Decisions (FOOD): Integrating perspectives on consumer perceptions of food safety, nutrition and waste
Sex workers’ experiences of management and other third parties
Social entrepreneurship
Social media
Social prescribing: Moving the agenda forward
Solutions for Future Organisational Needs of Rolls-Royce
Stimulating Virtuous Behaviours: A Subjective Well-Being Perspective
Strategic Crafting of Country-of-Origin-Image: Strengthening Competitive Advantages of Firms in Times of Global Geopolitical and Economic Uncertainty
Strategy of MNES
Subconscious and affective determinants of food waste behaviour
Supply Chain Council: End-to-end supply chain collaboration
Supporting tomorrow’s talent by exploring entrepreneurial activities and innovation in the Kenyan informal economy
Sustainability, net-zero, and the green economy
Sustainability in Britain’s pub industry: exploring the social, economic and environmental impacts of different pub models
Sustainable and productive?! Helping manufacturing SMEs to manage multiple goals
System Understanding and Sub-System Utopia through Design Project Design Integration and Optimisation (SUSSUDIO)
Tackling vaccine hesitancy: the way forward?
Technology transfer and reform in Chinese State owned Enterprises (LJC, PJB).
The 21st Century quality challenges for top management
The business case for diversity
The development of an instrument for assessing the quality of human capital in medium sized enterprises
The Equity Gap
The financialisation of nonfinancial corporations: a comparison between Brazil and Turkey using sectoral data
The Future of Work in Just Transitions
The Future Workplace
The impact of climate change and policies on the balance of payments and central banking in commodity-exporting emerging economies
The Impact of Country Alliances on International Business: A Commonwealth Perspective
The impact of the national minimum wage on the earnings, hours and work of domiciliary workers
The Local Economy
The regulation of irregular workers in the new japan
The regulation of irregular workers in the new japan
The role of capital markets in shaping corporate sustainability
The role of climate resilience strategies, Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs), and access to clean energy on house prices and inequality
The role of the neighbourhood environment in shaping the mental health consequences of Covid-19
The social protection of workers in the platform economy
The state of the Yorkshire economy
The worker voice in Just Transitions to a low-carbon economy: building evidenced based policy making in Yorkshire and the Humber
Tracking local public interest in COVID-19 topics using Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Transformational effects of COVID-19 on inequalities at work: An international analysis of job polarisation, occupational segregation and emerging policy responses
Transformational Impact of Digital Platforms Ecosystems on Global Value Chains accelerated by COVID-19
Transition to Parenthood in UK SMEs
UK aerospace restructuring: jobs, skills and high-performance work
UK Families in the Energy Crisis: Impact and Implications of the UK Price Cap Policy
Uncovering Challenges to Innovation Adoption and Sustainability Practices at Bottom-of-the-Pyramid
Understanding how constraints on access to finance and under-investment impact on productivity growth in smaller firms
Understanding human rights: implications for the management of supply chains
Understanding public perceptions of and responses to heat waves: A behavioural decision research approach
Understanding the COVID 19 misinformation flow using artificial Intelligence (AI) based tools and citizen panels
Understanding the relationship between regional gambling behaviour and regional differences in personality
Understanding the value of internships
Understanding the view on data from the C-Suite before, during and after Covid-19
Union learning in the Yorkshire region
Using citizen science to explore plant breeding and investigate food-chain transparency for novel breeding methods
Using Option Presentation Formats to Nudge Consumers towards Better Choices
Valuing the infrastructure of cities, regions and nations: a foundation for inclusive growth and integrated industrial strategy
Visualising and Enhancing Value Chains in the Amazon - realising impact
VOICES: Valuing Orchard and Integrated Crop Ecosystem Services
Welfare at a (Social) Distance
Western Europe and Central and Eastern Europe
What influences fathers' engagement in children’s education and care?
When less is more: Exploring the interplay between psychological threats and consumer wellbeing, attitudes, and sustainable behaviour
Why People eat in a Traditional or Modern Way
Why the poor outcomes? An examination of motivations in a context of poverty entrepreneurship
Women into Studying Economics (WiSE)
Women Leadership in Africa
Women transport workers and the crisis
Working in warehouses
Worldwide Interoperability Microwave System for Next-Generation Wireless Communications (WiMAGIC)
Yorkshire and Humber Policy Innovation Partnership
Young precarious workers in Poland and Germany: a comparative sociological study on working and living conditions, social consciousness and civic engagement
Zooniverse Project - Volunteer Participation and Engagement in Crowdsourcing Projects
“Scholars don’t know about entrepreneurship; entrepreneurs do”
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