A Framework for Digital Strategy Work: Exploring Inclusion and Transparency in the Strategy Process


While the importance of participative diversity for strategy formulation and implementation enabled by digital technology has been documented, the consequences for the nature of work and employment of strategists, managers, and non-managers are less understood. For instance, it is unclear if avowed openness of digitally-mediated strategy work removes obstacles for inclusivity, diversity, and employee voice, or whether it creates new division of labour in strategising.

To engage with this emerging phenomenon and combine academic expertise from the domains of strategic management, employment studies, and digitalisation, this project will bring together selected partners from different industrial sectors that experiment with novel digital strategy practices with the aim of driving increased ‘openness’ in the strategy process.

Research overview

This project aims to co-produce an evidence-based framework that conceptualises these emerging changes in the nature of strategy work in organisations.

It will explore two key research questions:

  1. How has the role of strategists in organisations changed because of digitally-mediated practices and what does this mean for strategy processes and workplace change?
  2. How does digitally-mediated open strategy provide greater levels of inclusion, transparency, and voice for employees from across organisations in strategy processes?

Visit the Digital Futures at Work Research Centre for further information.


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This project is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council.