Research project
Research Network on Work, Labour and Climate Change
- Start date: 21 February 2019
- End date: 21 February 2022
- Principal investigator: Dr Vera Trappmann and Dr Jo Cutter
Network mission
Tackling the challenges of climate change calls for dramatic changes in the way societies produce and consume. Nevertheless, there is a huge gap in studies investigating the relationship between climate change action and society, in particular how it will affect jobs and working conditions, and livelihoods.
This network on Work, Labour and Climate Change across the University of Leeds gathers expertise, stimulates debate and is committed to delivering ideas for society, labour and businesses on how to produce and live in a zero-carbon environment and a more ecological sustainable way more generally. The network is ambitious in striving to mitigate climate change.
Activities and events
The Network is currently working on three research projects preparing for submission to funding bodies:
- The Social and Political Economy of Working Time Reduction
- Just Transition, (In-)Equality and worker voice in climate change
- The Future of work and the transition of carbon intensive sectors
The Network has set up the “Lunch Bag Seminar Series” where members and colleagues exchange research ideas on climate change from a social sciences perspective.
Previous events:
Food waste behaviour before and after the Covid-19 lockdown: Implications for Courtauld Commitment 2025
Thursday 18 February 2021, 12 – 1pm
Dr Gulbanu Kaptan, Associate Professor in Behavioural Decision Making, Leeds University Business School
The climate crisis: public perceptions and reasoning
Monday 1 March 2021, 12 – 1pm
Sarah Irwin, Professor of Sociology, University of Leeds, and Director of the Centre for Research on Families, the Life Course and Generations (FLaG).
Stakeholder expectations of green management: a cross-national institutional approach
Thursday 28 January 2021, 12pm-1pm
Dr Ziko Konwar, Assistant Professor of International Business, Leeds University Business School
What will happen to sustainability in supply chains – Post-Covid-19?
Thursday 17 December 2020, 12pm-1pm
Dr Gary Graham, Associate Professor, Management Division, Leeds University Business School
Performance Chasms in International Sustainability Standards: When Improved Sustainability Performance Doesn’t Pay
Tuesday 24 November 2020, 12pm-1pm
Dr Effie Kesidou, Associate Professor in Applied Economics, Leeds University Business School
Sustainable Development Goals
Wednesday 23 September 2020, 12pm-1pm
Dr Jyoti Mishra, Associate Professor in Information Management and Dr Constantinos Hadjichristidis, Lecturer in the Centre for Decision Research. Leeds University Business School
Network members
Leeds University Business School academics:
- Dr Gabriella Alberti, Work and Employment Relations
- Dr Zlatko Bodrozic, Management Division
- Dr Hugh Cook, Work and Employment Relations
- Dr Jo Cutter, Work and Employment Relations
- Dr Kate Hardy, Work and Employment Relations
- Dr Yujie Hu, Work and Employment Relations
- Dr Effie Kesidou, Economics Division
- Dr Chris McLachlan, Work and Employment Relations
- Professor David Spencer, Economics Division
- Dr Vera Trappmann, Work and Employment Relations
- Professor Kerrie Unsworth, Management Division
- Professor Chee Yew Wong, Management Division
University of Leeds academics:
- Dr Miklos Antal, Faculty of Environment
- Dr Milena Büchs, Faculty of Environment
- Dr Jonathan Busch, Faculty of Environment & seconded to the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) to work on the Inclusive Clean Industrial Strategy
- Professor Andy Gouldson, Priestley Centre
- Professor Sarah Irwin, Faculty of Social Sciences
- Dr Dan O’Neill, Faculty of Environment
- Dr Alice Owen, Faculty of Environment and Leeds City Regional LEP Green Economy Panel member
- Dr Sally Russell, Faculty of Environment
Academics from other UK Universities:
- Jenny Patient, University of Sheffield
Contact: Dr Vera Trappmann
Project 1
Combating climate change: The role of organised labour
Dr Vera Trappmann and Dr Jo Cutter, Work and Employment Relations
Project overview
While there is existing knowledge about the actions of states and supra-national bodies, corporations and business, and community-level action, the role of labour for climate change mitigation has, until very recently, been absent from climate change debate and analysis. We are interested in understanding:

The aim of this project is to locate successful initiatives to combat climate change among organised labour comparing the UK and Germany. It will analyse four different levels of climate change action involving unions:
1. Supranational bodies in regulating for a green economy
2. The government, national policies and national union organisation’ policies
3. Regional activities and initiatives with union involvement
4. Innovations at the workplace level.
The project has been awarded £21,778 from Leeds University Business School’s Challenge Fund in 2019/20.
Contact: Dr Vera Trappmann
Background literature
Emden, J. and Murphy, L. (2018) Risk or reward? Securing a just transition in the north of England - Interim report, [online], last visited: 24 January 2018.
Eurofund (2011) Industrial Relations and Sustainability: The Role of Social Partners in the Transition Towards a Green Economy, [online], last visited: 24 January 2018.
Farnhill, T. (2018) Union Renewal and Workplace Greening - Three Case Studies, British Journal of Industrial Relations. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd (10.1111), 56(4), pp. 716–743. doi: 10.1111/bjir.12293.
Goods, C. (2017) Climate change and employment relations, Journal of Industrial Relations. SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England, 59(5), pp. 670–679. doi: 10.1177/0022185617699651.
Habermann, F. (2009) Halbinseln gegen den Strom. Anders leben und wirtschaften im Alltag. Königstein: Ulrike Helmer Verlag.
International Labour Organization (2018) Just Transition towards environmentally sustainable Economies and Societies for all. ILO ACTRAV Policy Brief, [online], last visited: 24 January 2018.
International Labour Office (2011) Climate Change and Labour: The Need for a “Just Transition”, [online], last visited: 24 January 2018.
International Labour Office (2015) Guidelines for a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all, [online], last visited: 24 January 2018.
ITUC (2017) Just Transition – Where Are We Now and What’s Next? A Guide to national Policies and International Climate Governance. ITUC Climate Justice Frontline Briefing 2017, [online]
Jackson, T. (2011) Prosperity without growth: economics for a finite planet. London: Earthscan.
Markey, R. and McIvor, J. (2019) Environmental bargaining in Australia, Journal of Industrial Relations. SAGE PublicationsSage UK: London, England, p. 002218561881405. doi: 10.1177/0022185618814056.
Snell, D. (2018) ‘“Just transition”? Conceptual challenges meet stark reality in a “transitioning” coal region in Australia, Globalizations. Routledge, 15(4), pp. 550–564. doi: 10.1080/14747731.2018.1454679.
Taylor Aiken, G. et al. (2017) Researching climate change and community in neoliberal contexts: an emerging critical approach’, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, p. e463. doi: 10.1002/wcc.463.
Wright, E.O. (2010) Envisioning real utopias. London: Verso.