Professor Chee Yew Wong
- Position: Professor of Supply Chain Management
- Areas of expertise: Supply chain integration; Supply chain collaboration; Information sharing; Digital supply chain; Supply chain analytics; Green supply chain; Human rights in supply chain; supply chain resilience
- Email: C.Y.Wong@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 7945
- Location: 1.09 Charles Thackrah
- Website: Twitter | LinkedIn | Googlescholar | Researchgate | ORCID
Chee Wong is a professor of supply chain management at Leeds University Business School (LUBS). He is the Director for Research & Innovation of the Analytics, Technology and Operations department (ATOD) at LUBS. Prior to this, he held a chair in logistics and supply chain management at Hull University Business School. He teaches logistics, supply chain and operations management at undergraduate, MSc, MBA, PhD and executive levels. He has sucessfully supervised 4 post-doc, 10 PhD students, and examined over 15 PhDs from a vriety of countries. He has also more than nine years of industrial working and consultancy experience in operations, purchasing, production, inventory and distribution management and supply chain design with SMEs and multinational companies specialised in beverage, retail, consumer goods, toys, engineering, metal production, and polymer distribution.
His research interests lie in the areas of supply chain integration, digital supply chain, supply chain analytics, green supply chain, transparency and human rights in supply chains. He has published more than 80 academic and practitioner articles, including high quality journals such as Journal of Operations Management (JOM), International Journal of Operations and Production Management (IJOPM), Journal of Supply Chain Management (JSCM), Journal of Production Innovation Management (JPIM), International Journal of Production Economics (IJPE), International Journal of Production Research (IJPR), Supply Chain Management: an International Journal (SCMIJ), Production Planning and Control (PPC), International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management (IJPDLM), Busines Strategy and the Environment (BSE), etc.
Professor Wong was the co-editor in chief of the International Journal of Physical and Distribution Management (IJPDLM) in 2020-24. He is a senior associate editors for International Journal of Logistics Management (IJLM). He aslo act as a reviewer for JOM, IJOPM, IJPE, IJPR, PPC, IJLM, SCMIJ, etc. He was external examiner for Plymouth Business Schools UG Marine and Logistics Programme, The York Management School, Warwick Business School; programme leaders University of Hulls BSc supply chain management and MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management Programme. He has been external examiners for PhD dissertations in various countries. He was a visiting professor at Chongqing Jiaotong University under the Bayu Overseas Scheme. He was a Bualuang ASEAN Chair Professor at Thammasat Business School, Thailand (2019-21). He is a member of the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships Peer Review College (2021-).
- Best Reviewer Award, Operations and Supply Chain Management Division, Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, USA (2018)
- Prof. Xiande Zhaos Best Paper Award, International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Kaifeng, China (2017)
- Finalist for the Jack Meredith Best Paper Award, the Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, USA (2016)
- Emerald Best Paper Award, Supply Chain Management: an International Journal (2006)
Funding and Research Projects
- Understanding human rights: implications for the management of supply chains 2023-24 [Lead academic]
- Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Johnson & Johnson Medical Ltd 2023-25 [Lead academic]
- Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Partnership with LBBC on digital transformation 2023-25 [Lead academic]
- UKRI InterAct Network Industrial digital Technologies for UK SME exporting manufacturers [Co-investigator]
- Innovate UK Accelerated Knowledge Transfer 2 Innovation with LBBC 2022-23 [Lead academic]
- Smart Grant AI-powered tool for fashion and texile companies to assess environmental and social risk, led by Bendi.ai 2022-23 [Advisor]
- Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) with Clipper Logistics on returns analytics 2019-2022 [Lead academic]
- The 21st century quality challenges for top management 2018-20, with Oakland Insitute, funded by CQI [Academic lead]
- British Council and NSFC China Network Fund Researchers Link Workshop Environmental technology innovation for greening the supply chains at Ningbo, China, September 2018 [Coordinator]
- Southern Denmark University (SDU) Strategic Investment fund, 5-year ReCoE (Reducing the cost of energy) project 2014-19 [Scientific adviser]
- Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) Project with Southerns Interior on supply chain management 2015-18, [Principle Investigator]
- ESRC/RGC Bilateral (Hong Kong) Grant Scheme How partner firms coordinate their environmental management practices? Green supply chain integration and its performance implications 2012-15 [Principle investigator]
- Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) Project Development of new businesses in supply chain service for Plastribution 2010-12 [Principle Investigator]
- Department Director of Research & Innovation
- Professor of Supply Chain Management
- PhD supervisor and examiner
Research interests
Professor Wong's research focuses on answering a key question: How can firms implement intelligent, responsible and sustainable solutions in the inter-connected and uncertain global supply chains? In attempting to answer this question, he is researching the following topics:
- Transformation of logistics and supply chain management thinking and practices toward sustainable development;
- Drivers, antecedents, and contingencies affecting intelligent and sustainable supply chain management and firms sustainable performance;
- Supply chain analytics using technologies e.g., Blockchain, Machine Learning, Internet of Things, etc.
- Enablers and mechanisms to achieve supply chain integration, resilience, digitalization, transparency and accountability;
- Global/ethical sourcing, human rights in global supply chain operations management;
- Reverse, sustainable logistics and circilar economy solutions.
- PhD, Supply Chain Management, Aalborg University, Denmark
- PG Certificate, Higher Education, Hull University, UK
- MSc, Manufacturing Management, Linkping University, Sweden
- BEng, Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology, Malaysia
Professional memberships
- European Operations Management Association (EurOMA)
Student education
Professor Wong teaches the following modules at Leeds University Business School. He also delivers customised supply chain management training courses for C-level executives and managers.
- Undergraduate Operations and Supply Chain Management;
- Undergraduate Manging Global Value Chains;
- MSc Operations and Supply Chain Management;
- MSc Designing sustainable supply chains;
- MSc Digital Transformation Management;
- MSc Managing Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management;
- MSc International Purchasing and Supply Management
- MBA Global Operations and Information Management;
- Executive Education Programmes.
Research groups and institutes
- Centre for Operations and Supply Chain Research
- Adaptation Information Management and Technology
- Centre for Decision Research