About us

The Centre for Employment Relations, Innovation and Change’s (CERIC) central objective is to contribute to contemporary, national and international debates surrounding the changing dynamic and the future of work, employment and labour markets, through high-quality research, teaching and knowledge transfer.
Our work draws on the expertise of scholars at Leeds University Business School and members of the Faculty of Social Sciences who address societal issues with research that has direct practitioner application and policy relevance.
The Centre aims to create a vibrant research environment incorporating established, doctoral and visiting researchers.
A distinctive element of the work of CERIC is the understanding of employment processes and outcomes within a broader regulatory and structural context.
CERIC's research is broadly concerned with examining the modernisation of employment relations, and how processes of organisational restructuring and innovation shape patterns of continuity and change in employment relations. It evaluates the consequences of such change for different stakeholders and is committed to developing new strategic and policy-relevant visions.
International connections
Centre researchers have backgrounds in employment relations, human resource management (HRM), economics, sociology and political science. Since 2000 our experts have attracted over £10m of research funding from leading funding bodies.
Established partnerships and international links:
- University of Melbourne (Australia)
- University of Sydney (Australia)
- University of Wollongong (Australia)
- Athabasca University (Canada)
- East China University of Political Science and Public Administration (China)
- Northwest Agriculture & Forestry University (China)
- University of Cyprus (Cyprus)
- Aalborg University (Denmark)
- University of Helsinki (Finland)
- University of Jyväskylä (Finland)
- Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (Finland)
- University of Turku (Finland)
- University of Tübingen (Germany)
- Free University Berlin (Germany)
- University of Milan (Italy)
- University of Padua (Italy)
- Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro (Italy)
- Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
- Mejiro University (Japan)
- Olabisi Onabanjo University (Nigeria)
- Central European Labour Studies Institute (Slovakia)
- University Rovira i Virgili (Spain)
- University of Colombo (Sri Lanka)
- Karlstad University (Sweden)
- Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey)
- Florida International University (USA)
- Pennsylvania State University (USA)
Members of CERIC have extensive experience of working with organisational and representative bodies on applied research projects. This research regularly informs worldwide policymaking in government, with researchers inputting into contemporary strategy and policy debates and publishing in leading international journals.
CERIC creates an environment that encourages and stimulates new research ideas and collaborations whilst fostering new research talent. Doctoral students are considered core members of the Centre.
As part of this commitment to continuous learning and dissemination, CERIC organises a regular programme of seminars, workshops and conferences as well as publishing a working paper series.
The Centre's current flagship teaching programmes include:
- BA Human Resource Management (CIPD accredited)
- BA Management and the Human Resource (CIPD accredited)
- MA Human Resource Management (CIPD accredited)
- MSc Management Consulting (CMI accredited)
Useful links
- Disrupting Technology, University of Leeds, 2020
- Universal Basic Income, University of Leeds, 2018
- 66th Annual Conference of the British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA), Leeds, 2016
- 9th Biennial Gender, Work and Organization Conference, Keele University, 2016
- Society for the Advancement of Socio Economics (SASE), University of Milan, 2013
- Work, Employment and Society Conference, University of Warwick, 2013
- European Sociological Association, University of Turin, 2013
- 29th International Labour Process Conference, Leeds, 2011
- Publish or Perish Citation Analysis - view the citation rankings of CERIC authors
- American Sociological Association
- British Sociological Association
- British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA)
- Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
- International Sociological Association
- Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA)
- Centre for Work, Organisation and Wellbeing, Griffith University, Australia
- Work, Employment and Society
- Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS)
- Confederation of British Industry
- Dept for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (EMAR)
- European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
- Government Equalities Office
- Low Pay Commission
- Trades Union Congress
- Unionlearn
- The Work Foundation
Find us
Centre for Employment Relations Innovation and Change (CERIC)
Leeds University Business School
Maurice Keyworth Building
University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT
United Kingdom