Student and alumni profiles

Find out what our current students think about our courses, where our alumni are now and how their experiences at Leeds have helped them in their career.

Name Course Nationality
Rasheed Ahmad Rasheed Ahmad Full-time MBA Indian
Ryan Monis (MBA 2010) Ryan Monis Full-time MBA Dutch
Sanjukta Chatterjee (MBA 2010) Sanjukta Chatterjee Full-time MBA Indian
Sarah sitting at a table looking at the camera Sarah Lund Executive MBA British
Student profile photograph Sherin Sara Alex Full-time MBA Indian
Somnath Roy Somnath Roy MBA Indian
Stephen Curry Stephen Curry Executive MBA British
Stuart Pendlebury (MBA 2010) Stuart Pendlebury Full-time MBA British
Tosin sitting in a corporate office Tosin Ibikunle Full-time MBA Nigerian
Tsz yan joey kong MBA 2014 Tsz Yan (Joey) Kong Full-time MBA
yan lu portrait Yan Lu MBA in Generic Management Chinese