Shaunty Mudd
- Course: MSc Senior Leadership
- Year of graduation: 2021
- Nationality: British
Tell us about your degree – why did you choose it? What elements of the degree inspired you to study it?
Back in November 2018, the NHS trust I work for, Leeds Teaching Hospitals, offered this course as a development opportunity. I had recently started a new role within the trust as Head of Specialist Rehabilitation in September 2018 so this was an excellent opportunity for me.
What is the best part of your studies? What are you enjoying the most?
The elements of the course that have inspired me so far are change management, finance and positive leadership modules. This is because I am responsible for a large budget within my role, and change is constant within the NHS. Finally, it is invaluable to receive feedback about your own leadership style. I will take this learning forward in my role as Head of Department.
What are your career aspirations? Do you think the experience and skills you will gain on your course will help you in your future career plans? In what way?
To continue to progress within senior management within the NHS or the private sector. This course should allow me to have the confidence to apply for more senior roles not only within the NHS but potentially in the private sector too.
I am enjoying learning the theory of leadership. I can apply this theory in real situations that occur within my service and more importantly the trust as a whole.
How do you feel your employer and / or business has benefited from the degree?
By supporting me to take the MSc Senior Leadership, Leeds Teaching Hospitals has supported my professional development as a leader. As a new Head of Department, having the opportunity to study leadership in depth will enable me to function better within my role.
With continued investment, Leeds Teaching Hospital will develop a team of senior managers who have all been trained to MSc level. This will bring numerous positives to the organisation, for example in change management leadership.
Finally, supporting staff to train and develop encourages loyalty to remain within the trust and progress.
Would you recommend the Business School to others who are considering studying here?
Yes the tutors are friendly and supportive. My knowledge has improved and this has then translated into being more confident within my role at work.