Xi Chen Ooi
- Course: BSc Accounting and Finance
- Nationality: Malaysian
How did you hear about Leeds University Business School and why did you choose to study here?
I researched universities online and saw that the course I wanted to study at Leeds University Business School is very highly ranked and the facilities are really interesting and beneficial to students. I personally prefer studying in a city, and Leeds is an excellent choice - with lots of nightlife, job opportunities, and convenient transportation systems.
Tell us about your degree - why did you choose it? What elements of the degree inspired you to study it?
I choose this degree as it is designed for you to learn about representing financial information and reports professionally and it also provides a wide range of optional modules for you to try and develop new skills. Moreover, the course also provides me with some exemptions for professional qualifications such as ACA and ACCA.
What is the best part of your studies? What are you enjoying the most?
The best part is the seminars, which are very interactive. The tutors are supportive and very passionate about their subjects. They are always there for you if you ever have problems with the coursework.
What are your career aspirations? Do you think the experience and skills you will gain from your degree course will help you in your future career plans? In what way?
I intend to do auditing as my future career. I believe that the knowledge and skills I have learnt from my course are relatable to the business world and this will definitely help me with my career. For instance, one of my modules, Business Skills, taught us how to research and carry out business plan.
Have you taken up any of the extra opportunities available to you and what was your experience of these eg. PASS scheme, work placement, study abroad, being an ambassador, student societies etc.? Any highlights?
I remember being worried and nervous when I first arrived in Leeds and the Peer Assisted Study Programme was really helpful for me whenever I had questions about exams, assignments etc. So I decided to participate in the scheme during my second year to try to help freshers with the transition into university life. This role is exciting as I get to interact with lots of people and learn how to deliver messages and explanations to a group of students with different personalities effectively.
Also, I have done some work with Link to Leeds to promote my course in Q&A sessions to prospective students, campus tours and live chat events which are exciting and enjoyable.
What is your impression/experience of the facilities, the staff, your peers, the student union, the City of Leeds and the Yorkshire region?
The staff are very helpful and friendly. They can always provide you with useful information whenever you have issues. I was very impressed by the large amount of societies at Leeds University Union which is the perfect opportunity for me to join different societies and try new things.
Are there any other experiences outside of your studies that you have particularly enjoyed? eg participation in extra-curricular activities or groups, nightlife, the region's historic places of interest? What would you recommend to future students?
I joined Malaysian Society and currently work as a treasurer. As the majority of the members are Malays, I get a chance to learn and share different cultures with them. In addition, Leeds offers amazing nightlife entertainments as well. I sometimes hang out with friends and discover new restaurants and try different cuisines when we are not studying.
Would you recommend the Business School to others who are considering studying here?
I would totally recommend the Business School to others. There are so many development opportunities they offer such as ambassador programme, Nurturing Talent Scheme and the PASS Scheme, which not only will help you develop skills but also the opportunities to widen your horizons and meet new people.
If you are not from the UK, how was the transition to a foreign country? Did the University offer support or services that you found helpful? Can you offer any advice?
I faced some obstacles such as culture shocks and the way we should do the essays and assignments. The university provided lots of support, we had a special talk and were given some books to help us with the academic work, which were very helpful. Whenever you have issues, you can go to your personal tutor and skills@library which will provide you with the help and support you need.
Is there anything else you'd like to say?
I am proud to be a part of the University and so grateful for all the opportunities the Business School has offered me. I totally recommend Leeds University Business School to those who want to apply. This is the place for you to learn and grow!