DATIS workshops

Our Development of Activity Theory in Information Systems (DATIS) workshops aim to build a community of scholars interested in exploring the relationship between technology and activity in different social contexts.
- To introduce Information Systems (IS) scholars to the basic conceptual premises of Activity Theory focusing on the use, development and contribution of Activity Theory
- To strengthen and build the community of scholars within IS using Activity Theory to explore the relationship between technology and activity in different work and social contexts
- To provide an opportunity for scholars to reflect and gain feedback on work in progress, explore new perspectives and provide support for researchers that are starting to explore Activity Theory
The first workshop was held as a Pre iSchool Workshop, held on Sunday March 20, 2016 at the iSchools Conference in Philadelphia, PA.
The second was held in the Pre ECIS Workshop, held on June 6, 2017 at the 25th European Conference on Information Systems (5 - 10 June) in Guimarães, Portugal (www.ecis2017.eu/)
The next workshop will be held in Kristiansand, Norway in June 2023.