Nitin Jain
- Course: MSc Business Analytics and Decision Sciences
- Year of graduation: 2016
- Nationality: Indian
How did you hear about Leeds University Business School and why did you choose to study here?
I heard about Leeds University Business School from my education counsellor in India. I have chosen the Business School because it is triple accredited. I also got an opportunity to interact with some alumni from the University of Leeds in a pre-departure session held in New Delhi. In that session I was impressed by the views of Leeds alumni and their description of the study environment.
Tell us about your course – why did you choose it? What elements of the course inspired you to study here?
I am studying MSc Business Analytics and Decision Sciences. I love mathematics and programming so I was looking for a specialised programme that would help me build my skills in these areas. I opted for MSc Business Analytics and Decision Sciences because the modules present in this course were related both to analytics and decision sciences, which enables students to use their statistical and programming skills to make effective business decisions.
What has been the best part of your studies – what have you enjoyed the most?
The lectures have been fun and I have also enjoyed studying in the new Laidlaw Library with friends during the examination period.
What are your career aspirations? Do you think the experience and skills you’ve gained here so far have helped you in your career plans? In what way?
I want to become a data scientist. In my Masters I have studied many modules, which are related to analytics and IT management and those modules have helped me in building my data analytics skills by introducing various tools used in IT and the analytics industry. I am also doing a project with a company called Cloud2 and this project has helped me in applying my theoretical knowledge to solve a real-time problem.
Do you have any noteworthy achievements from your study at the Business School that you can tell us about? e.g. prizes, highest scores etc.
I have got a distinction in 9 out of 10 modules on my course and I was also elected as the Student Representative for my course. I have received the “Most Supportive Student” award on the basis of votes from my classmates. I have also received the “Most Dedicated Member” award from AIESEC, Leeds. I have scored 98/100 in the module Quantitative Analysis, and also scored highest marks in other modules.
If you are not from the UK, how was the transition to a foreign country? Did the University offer support or services that you found helpful? Can you offer any advice?
I am a Vegan, so initially I struggled here but over the period of time I got adjusted and learnt to find suitable food to eat. I came here from a tropical climate so initially weather was also a big challenge but then I became used to the weather in Leeds. Yes, University support and advice regarding the cultural differences was helpful.
What has been your experience of the facilities, the staff, your peers, the city of Leeds and the Yorkshire region?
Leeds is a fantastic city, it is very vibrant and full of life. The facilities present in University are very good but quite expensive compared to the prices in other parts of the city. Staff and my classmates were very helpful during the whole academic year, and I have enjoyed working with them.
Are there any experiences outside of your studies that you have particularly enjoyed? e.g. participation in extra-curricular activities or groups, nightlife, the region’s historic places of interest.
I have enjoyed many day trips around Leeds. Nightlife of Leeds is very vibrant, especially on Friday and Saturday.
Would you recommend the Business School to others who are considering studying here?