Nabeel Wani

Nabeel Wani

The perfect place to grow academically and personally 

I chose to study at Leeds University Business School (LUBS) because of its strong reputation and the flexibility of its courses. I was initially uncertain whether to focus on finance or management, but Leeds offered the ideal solution by providing a BSc International Business course with a wide range of optional and discovery modules. This flexibility allowed me to explore both fields during my first year and ultimately helped me solidify my interest in management. LUBS is also renowned for its high academic standards, excellent faculty and supportive learning environment. The opportunities for practical experience were particularly appealing as they align with my career goals. Also, the vibrant student community and the variety of extracurricular activities available made Leeds the perfect place to grow academically and personally. 

Flexible curriculum 

I chose International Business BSc because it offers the perfect blend of management and finance, two fields I’m passionate about. The flexible curriculum allowes me to explore both areas through optional and discovery modules, which helped me confirm that management was my true calling. What I love most about the course is how engaging and practical it is. The seminars are a particular highlight. For example, in my second year, we studied Global Entrepreneurship, and the seminars involved analysing real-world case studies like WeWork, supported by podcasts and articles. This hands-on approach made the material relatable and brought the theory to life. Additionally, the course offers exciting opportunities for personal and professional growth, such as the option to take a year in industry. 

A rewarding experience 

Beyond academia, the sense of community at LUBS is incredible. The support services, like the Careers Centre and the guidance from personal tutors, were invaluable in helping me navigate both academic and personal challenges. This comprehensive support system makes studying at Leeds a rewarding and fulfilling experience. 

Extracurricular opportunities  

Outside of my studies, I’m actively involved in several extracurricular activities that have enriched my university experience. I’m proud to have served as the President of the Leeds Kashmiri Society, where I lead initiatives that promoted cultural awareness and created a sense of community among students. This role has not only allowed me to connect with peers who share similar cultural backgrounds but also helped me develop leadership and organisational skills. One of my most memorable experiences was running for the Students' Union elections as the International and Postgraduate Officer. This experience pushed me out of my comfort zone, as I met hundreds of new people daily, campaigned for votes and learned valuable lessons about leadership, communication and resilience. 

Support services  

Leeds has been incredibly supportive in helping me settle in and navigate my time here. From the outset, the induction programmes and welcome events made it easy to connect with fellow students and familiarise myself with the campus. My personal tutor was a consistent source of support, offering guidance on both academic and personal matters, which was invaluable in adjusting to university life. The University's support services have also played a significant role in my experience. The Careers Centre provided excellent advice on career planning, helping me secure a year in industry placement with Northern Railway. Also, the Students' Union offers various resources and activities that make it easy to get involved and feel part of the University community. The University’s focus on student well-being is evident through its various support channels, including mental health services and academic workshops. These resources have ensured that I always felt supported, both academically and personally, which has greatly contributed to my positive experience at Leeds. 

Achievements have shaped my time at Leeds 

My biggest achievement during my time at the University of Leeds has been securing a year in industry placement with Northern Railway. This opportunity not only validated the skills and knowledge I gained through my course but also allowed me to apply them in a real-world business environment. Competing for and winning this placement amidst a competitive field has been a significant milestone in my academic and professional journey. Additionally, being elected as the President of the Leeds Kashmiri Society stands out as another proud accomplishment. In this role, I’ve had the chance to lead a community, organize events and promote cultural awareness on campus. Balancing this responsibility alongside my studies has enhanced my leadership and time-management skills. Moreover, running for the Students' Union elections as the International and Postgraduate Officer was a bold step outside my comfort zone. Although I didn’t win, the experience of meeting hundreds of new people, campaigning and developing communication strategies was invaluable. These achievements have shaped my time at Leeds, pushing me to grow both personally and professionally. 

Career aspirations 

My aim is to become a management consultant, helping businesses navigate complex challenges and improve their performance. My time at Leeds has been instrumental in shaping this goal. The BSc International Business course, with its blend of management and finance, has provided me with a strong foundation in key business principles. The University’s emphasis on practical experience has been particularly beneficial. Overall, my time at Leeds has been marked by personal and professional development, and I am grateful for the opportunities and support that have shaped my journey.