Priyanka Ratnu

Priyanka Ratnu

Leeds University Business School was the standout choice 

I first learned about Leeds University Business School (LUBS) through a mix of thorough research and insightful recommendations. As I explored top institutions for my MSc in Finance and Investment, Leeds consistently emerged as a standout choice due to its esteemed triple accreditation from AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS, as well as its strong research culture and Russell Group status. Attending various online webinars and virtual open days hosted by the Business School provided me with a deeper understanding of the curriculum, faculty expertise and the overall learning environment. These events highlighted the University's commitment to academic excellence and student support. Additionally, I connected with alumni and current students via LinkedIn and other professional networks. Their firsthand accounts of their experiences at Leeds were overwhelmingly positive, emphasising the practical relevance of the coursework, the supportive community and the extensive career services available. The combination of the Business School's prestigious accreditations, rigorous academic programs and strong industry connections convinced me that LUBS was the perfect place to further my education and career in finance. 

A tailored educational experience 

The course covers critical aspects of modern finance including investment strategies, financial analysis and risk management. It aligned perfectly with my career aspirations in the financial sector. One of the key elements that inspired me to choose this course was its emphasis on both theoretical and practical learning. The blend of core and optional modules allows for a tailored educational experience, enabling me to focus on areas of personal and professional interest. Additionally, the course's strong analytical and quantitative focus encourages critical thinking and problem-solving - essential skills for a career in finance. Furthermore, the School's robust connections with leading financial institutions and the opportunity to gain real-world experience through internships and networking events appealed to me. 

Exceptional facilities 

The MSc Finance and Investment course is rigorous and well-structured, offering a perfect balance of theoretical knowledge and practical application. The modules are designed to foster critical thinking and analytical skills, which are crucial for a successful career in finance. The facilities at the Business School are exceptional, with modern lecture halls, a trading room, well-equipped computer labs for dissertation purposes, and extensive library resources. The staff are incredibly supportive and approachable, always willing to provide guidance and share their expertise. Their real-world experience and research insights greatly enhance the learning experience. 

A diverse and inclusive student community 

My peers are another highlight of my time at Leeds. The diverse and inclusive student community creates a dynamic and stimulating environment where ideas are freely exchanged, and collaborative learning is encouraged. This diversity has broadened my perspective and enriched my educational journey. Leeds is a vibrant and welcoming city, offering a perfect blend of cultural, social and recreational activities. The Yorkshire region’s beautiful landscapes provide a great escape from academic life, making it an ideal place for both personal and professional growth. 

Extracurricular opportunities 

As a course representative and student ambassador for LUBS, I took the initiative to enhance student engagement and advocate for their needs within the University. Additionally, serving as a student sustainability architect as part of LUBS Sustainability Project, I contributed to initiatives like the ‘Clean Up Our Beach' project, working to reduce beach pollution and promote environmental stewardship. Access to The Edge has been instrumental in my fitness journey, participating in body combat classes and engaging in badminton and tennis sessions. Moreover, I've had the opportunity to join the Get Out and Get Active (GOGA) trips to Flamborough, York and the Yorkshire countryside, organised by the Residential Club Society. These extracurricular engagements have provided me with a well-rounded education, fostering a strong sense of community and purpose during my time at the University of Leeds. 

Comprehensive support 

The University of Leeds’ exceptional support ensured a smooth transition and a welcoming atmosphere. Alongside the student support and wellbeing services, Leeds University Union and Joblink played pivotal roles. Joblink's support was instrumental in navigating part-time work options. Additionally, the international student office was indispensable, offering guidance on visa issues, banking and adapting to life in a new country. Moreover, the academic staff, including my course tutors and professors, were readily available for academic advice and personal support. Their encouragement during the initial adjustment period was invaluable. In terms of student wellbeing, the University's counseling services and mental health support provided a safe space to address challenges. The meditation sessions and stress management workshops were particularly beneficial.  

Personal and academic growth 

Academically, I'm proud of completing the Bloomberg Market Concepts Certificate, which has significantly enhanced my understanding of financial markets and investment strategies. This accomplishment not only bolstered my technical skills but also demonstrated my commitment to professional development. Additionally, I was selected to represent the University in the prestigious postgraduate study tour to the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management. This opportunity allowed me to engage with international finance professionals, broaden my global perspective and apply classroom knowledge to real-world scenarios. On a personal level, contributing to a sustainable environment and organising clean-up events have honed my leadership and networking skills. This experience has also expanded my professional network and provided practical insights into the finance industry.  

Career aspirations 

My focus is on attaining a management role in either a consulting firm or a banking institution, using my expertise in finance and investment. LUBS has been pivotal in supporting my journey towards these goals. The challenging academic curriculum has furnished me with the essential knowledge, skills and strategies indispensable for success in the financial sector. Participating in a virtual industry program provided me with a unique opportunity to work as a growth strategy analyst for a startup, offering hands-on experience and insights into real-world business operations. Additionally, the LUBS Business School competition enhanced my transferable skills and equipped me with comprehensive business and finance knowledge. Engagement with experienced faculty members and industry professionals has further enriched my understanding of the financial landscape and provided essential networking opportunities critical for career advancement.  

Life before Leeds 

Before studying at LUBS, I completed my undergraduate studies at Amity University in Rajasthan, India. During my time there, I was honored to receive the gold medal for academic excellence. Additionally, I was actively involved in various extracurricular activities, serving as the female representative of the gender cell programme, a class representative for the Amity Business School and event coordinator for the business school. Outside of academia, I dedicated my time to volunteer work, particularly around mental health awareness. Overall, my experiences at Amity University provided me with a strong academic foundation, leadership skills and a commitment to social responsibility - invaluable assets in my academic and professional journey at LUBS.  

Invaluable careers support

I utilised both the LUBS careers support and the University Careers service which were instrumental in guiding me towards my career goals. The support provided by these services was multifaceted. Firstly, they assisted me in refining my CV through services like CV Checker, ensuring it effectively showcased my skills and experiences. Additionally, they facilitated workshops and seminars that equipped me with essential job search strategies and interview preparation techniques. Moreover, these services played a crucial role in helping me secure valuable internships. Furthermore, the careers support helped me navigate the process of identifying suitable companies and positions to pursue, providing valuable insights and resources to streamline my job search efforts. 

Valuable work experiences 

During my Master's studies, I seized the opportunity to engage in valuable work experiences that significantly contributed to my professional development. In the Virtual Industry Programme I assumed the role of a growth strategy analyst for a UK-based startup. This hands-on experience provided me with a practical insight into the dynamics of the financial industry and allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge in a real-world context. Additionally, as a research and innovation service Intern, I focused on enhancing staff engagement through creative initiatives. This role not only honed my practical skills in research and analysis but also improved my employability skills, including effective communication, teamwork, network building, and adaptability. Overall, these placements and internships not only enriched my academic journey but also enhanced my employability in the competitive job market, preparing me for future career opportunities. 

International Study Tour 

Participating in the International Study Tour was a truly unforgettable journey that left a profound impact on both my personal and professional growth. Being in Frankfurt, Germany, and having the chance to visit and interact with professionals at Deutsche Bank, a global banking powerhouse, was an incredible opportunity. During this experience, I not only gained valuable insights into the intricacies of global finance but also developed essential skills that have shaped my journey. Immersed in a new culture, I learned the importance of adaptability and cross-cultural communication. Engaging with industry professionals broadened my understanding of international business practices and trends, enhancing my knowledge in ways that classroom learning couldn't match. But it wasn't just about the professional aspects; it was the memories created and the connections formed that made this experience truly special. From exploring the vibrant streets of Frankfurt to bonding with fellow students over shared experiences, every moment was filled with excitement and learning. 

Practical business insights 

The experience of participating in the International Study Tour significantly enriched my studies by providing real-world insights into global business practices. Interacting with professionals and visiting renowned institutions like Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt deepened my understanding of international finance and its interconnectedness with various global markets. Witnessing firsthand how these institutions operate in a global context expanded my knowledge beyond textbooks and classroom discussions. It bridged the gap between theory and practice, equipping me with valuable skills and perspectives that will undoubtedly benefit me in my future endeavors in the international business arena. 

An international welcome 

Pre-departure events provided essential information about accommodation, visa procedures and academic expectations - helping me prepare effectively for my move. Additionally, online resources and guides offered valuable insights into life in Leeds and the UK, alleviating many of my initial concerns. Upon arriving in Leeds, I found the international welcome events to be particularly beneficial. They provided a warm and inclusive environment where I could meet other international students and familiarise myself with the campus and city. Orientation sessions offered practical advice on navigating academic life and accessing support services, which was invaluable in the early stages of my stay. The comprehensive assistance offered throughout the transition process helped me feel prepared and welcomed, allowing me to settle in quickly and focus on my studies with confidence. 

Personal and professional growth 

Settling into life at the University of Leeds has been one of the best decisions of my life. I quickly found my footing and became deeply involved in university life. From making friends and joining clubs and societies, I embraced opportunities to follow my passions alongside my studies. The University environment nurtured a holistic development that has helped me become the best version of myself. Leeds University will always hold a special place in my heart, as it has been the catalyst for my personal and professional transformation. I'm forever grateful for the opportunities and support that have shaped my university experience into an unforgettable chapter of my life. 

The sky’s the limit 

I can confidently say studying at LUBS has been an incredibly rewarding journey. For anyone considering LUBS, it's a no-brainer. The opportunities and support available here are unparalleled, especially for those with a passion and drive to succeed. LUBS not only provides top-notch academic education, but it also fosters a dynamic and supportive environment where students are encouraged to pursue their goals and aspirations. It's not just about getting a degree; it's about becoming the best version of yourself and realising your full potential. And, with the support and opportunities available at LUBS, the sky's the limit.