Matthew Brown
- Course: MSc Actuarial Finance
- Year of graduation: 2015
- Nationality: United Kingdom
Tell us about your degree - why did you choose it? What elements of the degree inspired you to study it?
The course reflected the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) curriculum and exams at a Russell group university for a fair price.
What was the best part of your studies here? What did you enjoy the most?
I felt like the course made me well-equipped for my future career. With the course being between the Business School and Maths School, I had a lot of time with different lecturers, tutors and students. This also helped me gain different skillsets.
What were your career aspirations when you arrived? Do you think the experience and skills you gained here will help/helped you in your future career plans? In what way?
I wanted to become an Actuary, which perfectly aligned to the course I studied. The course prepared me for my exams and work within an actuarial analyst role.
How has your career progressed since leaving the Business School? Have there been any notable highlights?
I completed the Core Technology (CT) exams but decided to make a slight change in my career pathway. I moved into the world of data science, which is related to actuarial work due to the reliance on mathematical methods and statistics. After having been a data scientist for 3 years, I now hold management responsibility for a data science and analytics team
Where are you currently working, and what is your role?
The Medical Protection Society as Data Science and Analytics Manager
Do you think your experience and skills gained here will help you in your future career plans? In what way?
Yes, in the career I am in, having a postgraduate degree is paramount and typically a requirement. I also utilise much of the content within my role today.
What was your impression/experience of the facilities, the staff, your peers, the student union, the City of Leeds and the region itself? What would you recommend to future students?
The fact that I continued to live in the Leeds area after graduating shows how much I enjoy the city itself. The student union compared favourably to where I studied for my undergraduate degree. The staff were really good, and I am in touch with some of them today regarding working with the University on MSc dissertation.
What would you say is your defining memory of studying here? (eg friendships made, confidence in your abilities, or any single event that you will always remember?) And would you recommend the Business School to others?
I remember being offered my first role for when I graduated, having just been in a lecture. This was a vindication of my study and hard work.