Dr Ian Greer
- Company/Organisation: Cornell University's School of Industrial and Labour Relations
- Course studied: BSc (Bard College), MSc, PhD. (Cornell)
- Job title: Senior Research Associate
Ian Greer uses qualitative comparative methods to examine marketisation and its effects in industrial relations and welfare states. His early work explored how German and US trade unions were coping with intensified price-based competition, through international solidarity, collective bargaining, coalitions with civil society, and organising the unorganised. Over the years he has extended this line of questioning to examine the way that managers and policymakers stage competition across Europe, in multinational automakers, welfare-to-work schemes, social work, health care, ports, and music.
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
Ian Greer, Barbara Samaluk, and Charles Umney. Forthcoming. “Toward a precarious projectariat? Project dynamics in Slovenian and French social services.” Organization Studies.
Ian Greer, Lisa Schulte, and Graham Symon. Forthcoming. “Creaming and Parking in Marketised Employment Services: An Anglo-German Comparison.” Human Relations.
Charles Umney, Ian Greer, Özlem Onaran, and Graham Symon. Forthcoming. “The state and class discipline: European labour market policy after the financial crisis.” Capital and Class.
Lisa Schulte, Ian Greer, Charles Umney, Katia Iankova and Graham Symon. Forthcoming. “Insertion as an alternative to workfare: Active labour market schemes in the Parisian suburbs.” Journal of European Social Policy.
Ian Greer and Virginia Doellgast. 2017. “Marketization, inequality, and institutional change. Toward a new framework for comparative employment relations.” Journal of Industrial Relations. 59:2, April. Pp. 192-208.
Ian Greer. 2016. “Welfare reform, precarity and the re-commodification of labour.” Work, Employment, and Society. 30:1, February. Pp. 162-173.
Ian Greer and Marco Hauptmeier. 2016. “Management whipsawing: The staging of labor competition under globalization.” Industrial & Labor Relations Review. 69:1, January. Pp. 29-52.
Nick Krachler and Ian Greer. 2015. “When does marketisation lead to privatisation? Profit-making in English health services after the 2012 Health and Social Care Act.” Social Science and Medicine. 124, January. Pp. 215-233.
Ian Greer, Nils Böhlke, and Thorsten Schulten. 2013. “How does market making affect industrial relations? Evidence from eight German hospitals.” British Journal of Industrial Relations. 51:2. June. Pp. 215-239.
Ian Greer, Zinovijus Ciupijus, and Nathan Lillie. 2013. “The European Migrant Workers Union and the Limits to Transnational Industrial Citizenship.” European Journal of Industrial Relations. 19:1. March. Pp. 5-20.
Ian Greer and Marco Hauptmeier. 2012. “Identity Work: Sustaining Transnational Collective Action at General Motors Europe.” Industrial Relations. 51:2. April. Pp. 275-297.
Ian Greer. 2008. “Organized industrial relations in the information economy: The German automotive sector as a test case.” New Technology, Work and Employment. 23:3. November. Pp. 181-196.
Ian Greer. 2008. “Social movement unionism in Germany: the case of Hamburg’s hospitals.” Industrial Relations. 47:4. October. Pp. 602-624.
Ian Greer. 2008. „Von sozialen Bewegungen Lernen: ein Impuls für deutsche Gewerkschaften.” WSI Mitteilungen. April. Pp. 205-211.
Ian Greer and Marco Hauptmeier. 2008. “Political entrepreneurs and co-managers: Labour transnationalism at four multinational auto companies.” British Journal of Industrial Relations. 46:1. March. Pp. 76-97.
Nathan Lillie and Ian Greer. 2007. “Industrial relations, migration and neo-liberal politics: The case of the European construction sector.” Politics and Society. 35:4. December. Pp. 551-581.
Virginia Doellgast and Ian Greer. 2007. “Vertical disintegration and the disorganization of German industrial relations.” British Journal of Industrial Relations. 45:1. March. Pp. 55-76.
Mark Anner, Ian Greer, Marco Hauptmeier, Nathan Lillie and Nik Winchester. 2006. “The industrial determinants of transnational solidarity: Global inter-union politics in three sectors.” European Journal of Industrial Relations. 12:1. March. Pp. 7-27. (Appeared in Portuguese in 2014 in Estudos Avançados. 28:81. Pp. 229-250.)
Ian Greer. 2006. “Business union vs. business union? Understanding the split in the U.S. labor movement.” Capital and Class. 90. Pp. 1-6.
Ian Greer and Lou Jean Fleron. 2005. “Social partnership in the U.S.A.? The development coalition in Buffalo, New York.” International Journal of Action Research. 1:2. Pp. 319-342.
Michael Fichter and Ian Greer. 2003. “Sozialpartnerschaft als Gewerkschaftsstrategie. Beispiele aus fünf Ländern.” WSI Mitteilungen. September. Pp. 541-548.
Books and book chapters
Ian Greer, Charles Umney, and Barbara Samaluk. 2018. “Better strategies for herding cats? Forms of solidarity among freelance musicians in London, Paris, and Ljubljana.” In Virginia Doellgast, Nathan Lillie, and Valeria Pulignano (eds.) Reconstructing solidarity. Oxford: Oxford UP. (Republished by the Korea Labor Institute as “고양이 몰이를 위한 더 나은 전략 : 런던, 파리, 류블랴나 프리랜서 음악가들의 연대 유형” International Labor Brief 16:6.)
Ian Greer, Karen Breidahl, Flemming Larsen, and Matthias Knuth. 2017. The marketization of employment services and dilemmas of Europe’s work-first welfare states. Oxford: Oxford UP.
Ian Greer and Genevieve Coderre-Lapalme. 2017. “Dependence on a hostile state. British trade unions after Brexit.” In Steffen Lehndorff, Heiner Dribbusch, and Thorsten Schulten (eds.) Rough Waters. European trade unions in a time of crisis. Brussels: ETUI. Pp. 245-270.
Ian Greer and Marco Hauptmeier. 2015. “Marketization and social dumping. Management whipsawing in Europe’s auto industry.” In Magdalena Bernaciak (ed) Market expansion and social dumping in Europe. London: Routledge.
Ian Greer. 2012. “Grossbritannien: Noch immer Heimat des Neoliberalismus?” in Manfred Krenn, Karin Scherschel, and Peter Streckeisen (eds.) Neue Prekarität: Die Folgen aktivierender Arbeitsmarktpolitik. Europäische Länder in Vergleich. (Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag). Pp. 111-138.
Ian Greer, Ian Greenwood, and Mark Stuart. 2012. “Marktorientierung und Anstellungsverhältnisse in der Aktivierungsindustrie: Fallstudie zu Großbritannien und Deutschland”, in Manfred Krenn, Karin Scherschel, and Peter Streckeisen (eds.) Neue Prekarität: Die Folgen aktivierender Arbeitsmarktpolitik. Europäische Länder in Vergleich. (Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag). Pp. 291-310.
Nils Boehlke, Ian Greer, and Thorsten Schulten. 2011. “World champions in hospital privatization: the effects of neoliberal reform on German workers and patients”, in John Lister (ed.) Europe’s health for sale. The heavy cost of privatization. (Faringdon: Libri). Pp. 9-28.
Ian Greer, Ian Greenwood, and Mark Stuart. 2011. “Beyond national ‘varieties’: Public-service contracting in comparative perspective.” In Ian Cunningham and Philip James (eds) Voluntary organizations and public service delivery. (London: Routledge). Pp. 153-167.
Ian Greer. 2009. “Automobile workers’ strikes.” In Aaron Brenner, Ben Day, and Immanuel Ness (eds). The encyclopedia of strikes in American history. (Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe). Pp. 389-397.
Ian Greer. 2007. “Special interests and public goods: Organized labor’s coalition politics in Hamburg and Seattle.” In Lowell Turner and Daniel Cornfield (eds). Labor in the new urban battlegrounds: Local solidarity in a global economy. (Ithaca: Cornell ILR Press). Pp. 111-129.
Ian Greer, Barbara Byrd, and Lou Jean Fleron. 2007. “Two paths to the high road: Urban organization building Seattle and Buffalo.” In Lowell Turner and Daniel Cornfield (eds.) Labor in the new urban battlegrounds: Local solidarity in a global economy. (Ithaca: Cornell ILR Press). Pp.193-210.
Michael Fichter and Ian Greer. 2004. “Analysing social partnership: A tool of union revitalization?” In Carola Frege and John Kelly (eds). Varieties of Unionism. (Oxford: Oxford UP). Pp. 71-92.