Jasmin kailath
- Course: MSc Global Strategy and Innovation Management
- Nationality: German
How did you hear about the Business School and why did you choose to study here?
In my search for a Masters course in the UK, I was looking for a course that would fit with my previous studies, work experience and future career plans. The course description, the triple accreditations and the great reputation spoke for Leeds University Business School. Additionally the city of Leeds is home to 5 universities, which leads to a large number of students and therefore a very lively city.
Tell us about your course - why did you choose it? What elements of the course inspired you to study here?
As I have worked in the Innovation Management area and am very interested in sustainable global entrepreneurship this course was a perfect fit. Globalisation and its strategic challenges are of increasing importance and the modules in this course prepared me to me understand how to act effectively in an organisation in in an ever-changing environment.
What is the best part of your studies? What are you enjoying the most?
What I enjoyed the most about my course were the practice-oriented modules and the qualified and research-oriented professors. Another thing I love about my studies at the Business School is the multi-cultural and multidisciplinary course mates I study with, as this has given me a deep insight into different cultures and personalities. The University also offers many diverse clubs and societies, which helped me a lot to socialise, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. Additionally, when writing my Masters dissertation, I really enjoyed going to one of the amazing Libraries, which offer plenty of study spaces. But besides all this Leeds is an amazing city for students with a lot of places to go to.
What are your career aspirations? Do you think the experience and skills you will gain on your course will help you in your future career plans? In what way?
The experience and skills gained throughout my course will definitely help me realise my future career plans. I did my Bachelors in Business Administration and have worked simultaneously in the Indo-German entrepreneurship ecosystem before I started this Masters. I choose this course as it perfectly fit my previous studies, work experience and my future career plans.
If you are not from the UK, how was the transition to a foreign country? Did the University offer support or services that you found helpful? Can you offer any advice?
I am a German with Indian roots. I was born and have lived my entire live in Frankfurt, Germany. Joining societies and social media groups helped me to find friends, get to know different people and keep up with my hobbies.
What is your impression/experience of the facilities, the staff, your peers, the student union, the City of Leeds and the Yorkshire region?
Leeds University Union offers a lot of opportunities to actively participate in student activities, learn about Leeds and get to know more people. The vivid city and the large campus quickly became home.