Ibrahim Jetullahi
- Course: MSc Data Analytics and Human Resource Management
- Year of graduation: 2022
- Nationality: Kosovan
How did you hear about the Business School and why did you choose to study here?
I heard about LUBS while research master programs to apply for the Chevening scholarship. I choose LUBS because it has a triple accredication, it is one of the best business schools in the UK and across the world, it has a enormous amount of research output, and because the program that I was mostly passionate about (HR Analytics) was only available at LUBS.
Tell us about your course - why did you choose it? What elements of the course inspired you to study here?
I have worked in HR for the past two years and I noticed that HR Departments do not make much use of numbers and statistics, even though mathematical modelling is something very useful for staffing decisions. Thus, I wanted to bring a new data driven perspective to HR departments in Kosovo, and considering my passion for data analysis, I choose this program.
Specific course elements that I found intriguing were the coding part, analytics, strategic foresight, and practicality.
What is the best part of your studies? What are you enjoying the most?
The best part of my studies is the ability to produce analytics project for real companies and analyse staffing problems. It is the strategic and practical aspects that have made this course so much better from any other that I have had before. Naturally, being part of a class with many other international students, was a perfect opportunity to make friends from all across the world and tell them about my country which is the youngest in Europe.
What are your career aspirations? Do you think the experience and skills you will gain on your course will help you in your future career plans? In what way?
I aspire to open one day my own HR Consulting department where I would be able to give advice and councelling to different enterprises and even national goverment with regards to employee problems or human capital development.
Do you have any noteworthy achievements from your study at the Business School that you can tell us about eg. prizes highest scores etc?
I finished the Microsoft Excel Certification from LUBS.
If you are not from the UK, how was the transition to a foreign country? Did the University offer support or services that you found helpful? Can you offer any advice?
The transition from Kosovo to the UK was splending since I had family here before I moved. The university did provide support, so I did not have any problems. My advice would be to try to mix with the local culture, befriend local and international students, and travel as much as possible across the UK.
What is your impression/experience of the facilities, the staff, your peers, the student union, the City of Leeds and the Yorkshire region?
I love Leeds and the North of England. Similarly, all staff and students were helpful and nice to me.
Are there any experiences outside of your studies that you particularly enjoyed? Eg participation in extracurricular activities or groups, nightlife, the regions' historic places of interest?
I travel a lot across Leeds and the UK, and these travels were the best part of my stay in the UK since I could explore a new country.
What would you say your defining memory of studying here was? (eg friendships made confidence in your abilities or any single event that you will always remember?)
I would say travelling with friends from different countries was something very unique for me.
Would you recommend the Business School to others who are considering studying here?
Yes, for sure.