Dr Martin Heinberg
- Position: Associate Professor of Marketing
- Areas of expertise: emerging markets; brand positioning; cross-border brand acquisitions; corporate reputation; advertising persuasion; country-of-origin effect; consumer animosity; country differences in innovation
- Email: M.Heinberg@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 2379
- Location: G.08 Maurice Keyworth Building
- Website: Book office hours | LinkedIn | Googlescholar | Researchgate
Martin Heinberg is an Associate Professor of Marketing at Leeds University Business School. He holds a PhD in International Marketing from the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. Prior to joining Leeds University Business School, Martin worked as a senior researcher at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Martin's current research interests lie on brand management, advertising effectiveness, the country of origin effect, and consumer behaviour in emerging markets (esp. China). His research has been accepted for publication in internationally renowned academic journals including the Journal of International Business Studies, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Business Research, and the International Marketing Review. He regularly presents his work at leading international academic conferences across the world and has chaired conference tracks for Marketing Strategy (AMS 2019) and International Consumer Research (AIB 2020). His research has been recognized with the Alan M. Rugman Young Scholar Award (fianlist 2020; winner 2016) from the Academy of International Business.
- Personal tutor for postgraduate students
- Director of Postgraduate Research Studies (Marketing)
- Postgraduate supervision (MA/MSc and PhD)
Research interests
Martin Heinberg conducts research in the cross-section of the fields of consumer strategy and international marketing. He is an expert for emerging markets, China in particular, and addresses research questions connected to cultural differences between emerging and developed markets, the challenges arising from the unique institutional setting of emerging markets, and implications of differences in growth momentum of both types of countries. This unique setting of emerging markets has important consequences for marketers and businesses in general and Martin has identified implications for the marketing mix, brand positioning, mergers and acquisitions, innovation success, and corporate reputation.
- PhD (Dr. rer. oec.), special focus on international marketing and management in emerging markets
- Diplom International Cultural and Business Studies (M.Sc. equivalent)
- B.Sc. Business Administration and Economics
Professional memberships
- AMA (American Marketing Association)
- AIB (Academy of International Business)
Student education
- module leader and lecturer for LUBS5427M (Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability)
- lecturer for LUBS5462M (Global Marketing)
- dissertation supervisor for LUBS5495M
Office hours: Tuesday 15:30 – 17:30 (Microsoft TEAMS)
Research groups and institutes
- Global and Strategic Marketing Research Centre