Ali Obaidan


Ali Obaidan is a marketing post graduate researcher at Leeds university business school.  His research interest revolves around the areas of  Multi-sensory marketing, branding, retail technology, and customer experience management. Ali’s Ph.D. Project focuses on exploring the novel phenomenon of voice commerce. It particularly investigates the optimal employment of voice channels in Omnichannel retail strategies. 
Ali has received multiple academic awards in recognition of his work including the Excellence scholarship from the Saudi Ministry of education (2019), the best marketing dissertation award from Leeds university business school (2020), and the prestigious LUBS marketing division scholarship (2021). He is also an Active member of the American marketing Association and the Academy of international business.
Ali holds a first class bachelors degree in business administration and a masters degree with distinction in international marketing management. Before joining LUBS, Ali worked as a marketing manager in the sports-ware industry.


  • MSc International marketing management with distinction
  • BSc Business administration with first class