Revannth Narmatha Murugesan
- Course: MSc International Business
- Job title: Managing Director
- Company: Carbon Performance Limited
Tell us about your degree - why did you choose it? What elements of the degree inspired you to study it?
I completed my MSc in International Business and it was one of the best decisions of my life. Having studied an engineering major for my undergraduate degree, I had always wanted to study a business major that would turn my entrepreneurial passion into a reality. The course was ranked number two worldwide, which is another reason why I chose to study at Leeds University Business School. My course focused more on international trade, exports/imports, etc. which has helped me immensely in the running of my high-growth startup in the UK.
What was the best part of your studies here? What did you enjoy the most?
The best part of my studies was the exposure to such a multi-national, multi-cultural student population both on my course and Leeds generally. I got to know numerous people from diverse backgrounds, which has helped me significantly in inter-country business opportunities. I enjoyed the university's laid-back culture and Yorkshire's countryside a lot.
What were your career aspirations when you arrived? Do you think the experience and skills you gained here will help/helped you in your future career plans? In what way?
When I arrived in the UK in September 2016, I did not really have an aspiration to start a business in the UK. I was given the opportunity to visit the SPARK business start-up support service at the career centre and it shortly became clear that my goal was to run a British company, bringing advanced manufacturing to Yorkshire.
The modules in my course focused more on practical business philosophies, which has helped me to have a strong footprint in my industry. One of the most crucial aspects I learnt was strategic management, which has helped me predict business challenges way ahead and mitigate them by framing different strategies.
How has your career progressed since leaving the Business School? Have there been any notable highlights?
Just one month after graduation I founded my own company, Carbon Performance Limited. The last seven months have been a steep learning curve. In the months we have been in operation, we have grown exponentially from developing our first prototype, signing a MoU with Her Majesty's government, gained a significant brand image and profile, and we are currently developing a product, in collaboration with a Dutch firm. We have a brand infiltration in three continents and are looking to diversify the brand into other industries as well.
Where are you currently working, and what is your role?
I am currently the Founder and Managing Director of Carbon Performance Limited, a Digital Manufacturing company, based in the University's SPARK 'InTechnology Enterprise Incubation Programme'.
What are your ambitions for the future?
My ambition is to take my company into new heights and get a valuation of a million pounds by mid-2019. Carbon Performance was founded on two principles; constant innovation and environmental sustainability. Along with these, we want to put Yorkshire on the Innovation Map and bring better manufacturing to the United Kingdom.
If you are not from the UK, how was the transition to a foreign country? Did the university offer support or services that you found helpful? Can you offer any advice?
I came to the UK in the September of 2016 as a timid guy with a lot of uncertainties. But I quickly settled in, thanks to the Leeds Student Union, where I was able to meet like-minded people and others, which pushed me out of my comfort zone. With Leeds being a student-city, I was and am fortunate to be in a very vibrant city, full of life.
What was your impression/experience of the facilities, the staff, your peers, the student union, the City of Leeds and the region itself? What would you recommend to future students?
My first impression of the university was nothing less than astonishment. The good old architecture housing very modern facilities in a very laid-back city were what stunned me the most. The staff are more friends than lecturers. Yorkshire's lush countryside is a complete contrast to the vibrant city that is Leeds. So, I had the best of both the worlds.
What would you say is your defining memory of studying here? (eg friendships made, confidence in your abilities, or any single event that you will always remember?) And would you recommend the Business School to others?
My most defining memories of studying here are the friendships I gained and the people I met. I had the chance to learn more about different cultural backgrounds, cuisines, and languages. I developed a lot of social confidence and this is helping me immensely in running a business. I would absolutely recommend the Business School to anyone wishing to gain a masterclass education with never-ending opportunities to follow your passion.