Kevin Mochi
- Course: MSc International Business
- Year of graduation: 2016
- Nationality: Italian
How did you hear about Leeds University Business School and why did you choose to study here?
While I was completing my bachelor's degree I decided to apply for Leeds University Business School. I found out about the Business School when I was screening the most reputable university tables. For me it represented the perfect mix between the quality of teaching in a top-class institute and on-campus facilities, being one of the largest single-campus universities in England. When I read more about the opportunities Leeds has to offer and the vibrant student community my choice was made.
Tell us about your course – why did you choose it? What elements of the course inspired you to study here?
I chose to apply for the MSc International Business after a summer internship in Brazil. Working there as a Junior Consultant offered me the chance to join an international team that really inspired my career plans. It was the first time I had the chance to face such a diverse environment in which every contribution was meaningful and original. I enjoyed being involved in that project because it let me understand the potential of a multicultural environment, both in terms of self-development and task effectiveness. I was pushed out of my comfort zone and I discovered a new enriching world that was only waiting to be explored.
Did you receive a scholarship to study here? If yes, why did you apply for the scholarship and why do you think you were successful? What did it mean to you to receive it and how did it help you?
I was awarded the Masters in International Business UK/EU Excellence Scholarship before starting the academic year. I reckon that my successful candidacy was related to my academic track records and the many extra-curricular activities I have been involved in: student representation and professional footballing to mention a few. I warmly suggest keeping an eye on the different deadlines and requisites of each scholarship.
What has been the best part of your studies – what have you enjoyed the most?
What I liked most about this Masters was the high level of engagement between students and teaching staff. This allowed me to further develop my soft-skills alongside building a wide network of connections. Yet most importantly I forged solid friendships that will continue even after this period of study.
What are your career aspirations? Do you think the experience and skills you’ve gained here so far have helped you in your career plans? In what way?
My aspiration is to kick-start my career in a consulting firm or with a graduate scheme in a multinational organisation. I believe it’s of paramount importance to further develop my skillset with a role that consists of both being involved in the business from day one and also includes a concrete training scheme. In the future I am not excluding the possibility of joining a PhD programme yet at the moment I am excited about leaving the academic world. I am convinced that the MSc experience makes me a more appealing and prepared graduate for the job market.
Do you have any noteworthy achievements from your study at the Business School that you can tell us about? e.g. prizes, highest scores etc.
My good results in the first semester allowed me to be selected for the Global Economy Dinner. It was a chance for the top twenty candidates on the course to join a unique opportunity of networking that links together students, professors and people from the industry. It was one of my milestones at the beginning of the year and I am proud of taking part in it and sharing food with many inspiring personalities.
Are there any experiences outside of your studies that you have particularly enjoyed? e.g. participation in extra-curricular activities or groups, nightlife, the region’s historic places of interest.
From salsa courses to the Quidditch society there really are infinite activities available on campus. The city centre is also close to the University and it’s not difficult to find the right restaurant or club for partying after exams. Personally I am in love with Hyde Park Picture House, an independent cinema that organises debates on documentaries each week relating to topics such as human rights and positive activism.