Hugo Tsagliotis
- Course: MSc International Business
- Year of graduation: 2013
- Nationality: Greek
- Job title: Founder and CEO
- Company: Stooly SAS
What made you decide to study MSc International Business?
After my undergraduate course in International Trade and European Business I wanted to specialise in what I liked most and evolve within an international environment. The modules offered by the Msc International Business course appeared to be diverse and new to what I had done in the past, giving me incentives to learn new topics and broaden my expertise.
How do the standards at the Business School compare to your previous University?
I can see a clear difference between my previous University in Paris (France) and Leeds University Business School. High quality equipment, facilities and resources are made available to students for learning. The Business School has set up very high standards, especially in terms of teaching. Linking theory with practicality enables students to gain knowledge that could be applied in the real life. Aside from the technological advances, I believe the most striking difference is the supportive relations and close contact that academics grant to students. It is very easy to get in contact for any kind of queries and they are very happy to help.
What has been the most unique feature of the course?
My class was the first cohort of students given access to their own tablet device through an integrated iPad Project, supported by all the course staff. This has positively increased my productivity and allowed greater access to the wide scope of business databases, enriching my research and assignments. Additionally, we use the iPad to access the latest global business news through free access to the Financial Times, and participating reactively during lectures. Collectively, this brings very interesting discussion to class and enhances our knowledge in more diverse areas.
What are your views on the quality of teaching on this course?
Due to the rank of the programme my expectations where set high, both in terms of teaching quality and the frameworks to focus my attention. Most of the modules are taught through examples on genuine industries that helps to identify and apply the theory with the practical. By doing that, each class is unique as it promotes different dimensions of International Business and looks at issues in a varieties of way.
Are you involved in any extra curricular activities?
Besides being a course representative for the Msc, I have tried to fill my timetable with activities that would make my time more memorable. Since 2012 I have created and run a micro-enterprise that designs, manufactures and supplies garments to Universities. I achieved distribution into two Student Union Shops and noticed that applying theoretical knowledge to real life has largely contributed to my understanding of the course and in the business world in general. I received valuable advice from academics but also improved my professionalism and employability through the Professional skills module.
How does the structure of the programme fit in with these activities?
The teaching hours are spread throughout the week so you have time to pursue other activities or prepare for your next class.
What has been the most enjoyable aspect of the course?
I really enjoyed working and being surrounded by so many different nationalities. It really brought an international dimension to the course. You also get the chance to learn more about new cultures, which is more and more important in today’s globalised world. My knowledge has considerable been extended in many areas that gave me more views on what fields I would like to work in in the future and ones i won't.
How has the course developed you as an individual?
Whilst at University, I have challenged myself to enrich my experience and understanding of enterprise through attending guest speaker series, elective modules in creativity and innovation, partaking in start-up workshops and meeting like-minded people through the enterprise society. My knowledge and understanding of International Business has never been so sharp, with a clear landscape of how business works.