Deepanshu Prakash

Deepanshu Prakash

Leeds MBA was highly recommended 

I first heard about Leeds University Business School (LUBS) through a combination of personal research and conversations with trusted sources. I spoke with members of the previous year's MBA cohort at the University of Leeds (UoL) and was greatly impressed by their positive experiences and the high quality of education they received. Their insights provided me with a clear picture of what to expect and reinforced my interest in the course. In addition to these conversations, I conducted extensive web research to further evaluate the course. I spent considerable time reading articles and journals to assess the quality and reputation of the UoL. The consistent positive reviews and high rankings in various educational publications confirmed that it was an excellent choice for pursuing my MBA.  

Leadership skills 

While working at KPMG, I gained extensive experience in project management, stakeholder engagement and sustainability initiatives. However, I felt a need to deepen my strategic management and entrepreneurial skills to effectively drive large-scale transformations and to lead innovative sustainability projects. The MBA course offers modules which provide the critical strategic and leadership skills required to navigate complex business environments and to innovate in the sustainability sector. The course stands out for its comprehensive curriculum that integrates strategic management, entrepreneurship and sustainability – areas crucial for my professional growth. The emphasis on practical learning through projects and real-world case studies was particularly appealing, allowing me to apply theoretical knowledge to actual business scenarios.  

A transformative experience 

LUBS offers invaluable networking opportunities with peers from various industries and cultures, fostering a global perspective essential for modern business leaders. As an MBA student ambassador and course representative, it was exciting to contribute to and benefit from the vibrant academic community, preparing myself to lead innovative and sustainable business solutions globally. The MBA at Leeds is not just an academic journey, but a transformative experience that will equip me with the skills and knowledge to make a meaningful impact in the field of sustainability. 

Real-world business challenges 

Courses are taught by experienced faculty who are leaders in their fields, ensuring that students are exposed to the latest industry trends and research. The emphasis on sustainability and ethical business practices resonated deeply with my personal and professional values. The School provides numerous opportunities for personal and professional development. As an MBA student ambassador and course representative, I have honed my leadership, communication and organisational skills. The support from the University’s career services has been invaluable in preparing for post-MBA opportunities. The collaborative learning environment encourages teamwork and innovation, preparing students to tackle real-world business challenges. Studying at LUBS is not just about earning a degree; it’s about becoming a well-rounded, responsible, and impactful leader. 

Extracurricular activities 

I thoroughly enjoyed the fun-day outings planned by our MBA director, which were fantastic opportunities to bond with fellow students and explore local culture. I'm also an active member of several clubs and societies that cater to diverse interests. The Edge, the University’s state-of-the-art sports center, is where I maintain my fitness routine, while Leeds University Union offers an array of fun activities and events that provide a much-needed balance to my rigorous academic schedule. These extracurricular activities not only enhance my leadership and networking skills but also ensure a well-rounded and fulfilling MBA journey. 

Commitment to inclusivity and diversity 

The University has been instrumental in helping me settle in and providing unwavering support throughout my journey. From the moment I arrived, the University's orientation programmes were comprehensive, ensuring I was familiar with the campus, resources and city. The dedicated International Student Office offered invaluable assistance with visa processes, accommodation arrangements and cultural integration. The faculty and staff have been exceptionally approachable, fostering a nurturing academic environment. Additionally, the student communities and societies have been a great source of friendship and professional networking, making it easier to adapt to a new culture and academic system. The University’s commitment to inclusivity and diversity has made my transition smooth and enriched my overall experience, helping me feel at home in Leeds. 

Professional growth and opportunities 

My biggest achievement has been the multifaceted growth and recognition I have garnered. A standout moment was during our study tour to Berlin, where I had the opportunity to work on a consultancy task for Remondis International. The project was challenging and required in-depth analysis and strategic planning. My dedication and performance earned me a recommendation letter from the CEO, a testament to my professional abilities. Additionally, being elected as the cohort representative by my fellow MBA colleagues was a significant honour, reflecting the trust and confidence they have in my leadership. This role allowed me to represent their interests and work towards enhancing our collective MBA experience. Furthermore, being hired as the MBA student ambassador by the University was a proud moment, giving me the platform to represent and promote our esteemed course. Beyond these professional milestones, the connections and friendships I have forged with my peers were invaluable. These relationships have enriched my personal and professional life, providing a strong network of support and collaboration. Together, these achievements have defined my journey, showcasing my commitment to excellence, leadership and community building. 

Business management insights 

Working alongside peers with expertise in finance, marketing, technology, and entrepreneurship has allowed me to gain valuable insights into different facets of business management. This diversity has also encouraged me to think critically and approach problems from multiple angles, ultimately refining my analytical and decision-making skills. Furthermore, the cultural exchange has been equally impactful, as I've learned to appreciate different viewpoints and adapt to varying communication styles, which is crucial for effective leadership in a globalized world. This rich tapestry of experiences and knowledge has not only bolstered my academic journey but also prepared me for a dynamic and interconnected business landscape 

Commitment to sustainability 

Before joining Leeds University Business School for my MBA, I worked as an Associate Consultant at KPMG India Services LLP. In this role, I was deeply involved in project coordination and stakeholder management, particularly focusing on environmental sustainability initiatives. I led the 'Garbage Free Cities' initiative, which aimed to enhance ecological practices across more than six million villages in India, significantly improving community engagement and environmental awareness. My work involved facilitating collaborations between major stakeholders including UNICEF, UNDP, USAID and the World Bank, and various government bodies.  Additionally, I managed comprehensive project life cycles, from proposal drafting to client onboarding, and provided strategic consulting to government agencies on ESG. These experiences honed my analytical skills and deepened my commitment to sustainability, setting a solid foundation for my MBA studies and future career aspirations in promoting sustainable development. 

International Study Tour 

The International Study Tour was a pivotal part of my MBA experience, offering a unique blend of practical exposure and cultural insights. Visiting companies like Zalando, BMW Bikes, SAP, and the Germany Chamber of Commerce allowed me to observe and understand diverse business models and operational strategies firsthand. These experiences enriched my skills in strategic analysis, operational efficiency and technological integration. Moreover, the tour enhanced my cultural competence and adaptability, essential for navigating the global business landscape. Engaging with industry professionals and witnessing their expertise in action has been invaluable, equipping me with practical insights and a robust network to support my future career endeavors. 

Innovative curriculum and holistic learning 

My experience at LUBS has been transformative, both academically and personally. The School's commitment to providing a holistic and dynamic learning environment is evident through its innovative curriculum, supportive faculty and extensive industry engagement. The MBA's emphasis on practical learning, exemplified by the numerous guest speakers and company visits, has been particularly impactful. These interactions have provided me with real-world insights and a deeper understanding of various industries. Additionally, the personalised career advice and networking opportunities have significantly boosted my confidence and readiness for post-MBA roles. Overall, my time at LUBS has been immensely rewarding, preparing me to tackle future challenges with a well-rounded skill set and a global perspective.