Ina Stoyanova
- Course: MA Corporate Communications and Public Relations
- Year of graduation: 2013
- Nationality: Bulgarian
- Job title: Marketing Manager
- Company: Lean Digital Solutions
Why did you choose Leeds University Business School?
I chose Leeds University Business School because of the unique course it offers – Corporate Communications and Public Relations. After my bachelor degree studies within a media faculty I really wanted to broaden my knowledge of PR, to get a different perspective on the industry. I couldn’t find a course like this anywhere else – a public relations course in a business faculty!
How had you heard about Leeds University Business School?
From my own research – my choice was completely independent, not influenced by advertisements or education fairs. I browsed communications courses all over Europe, not only the UK, and that’s how I discovered Leeds University Business School .
Tell us about your course – why did you choose it? What elements of the course inspired you to choose the Business School/University?
The range of modules seemed appealing to me, as well as the business perspective the course was offering. I felt I needed a more “practical”, business-oriented point of view. I developed this through my work experience, which showed me my weak spots. In the course summary on the website it was indicated that meetings with practitioners would be organised - this also influenced my decision.
What was the best part of your studies here – what did you enjoy the most?
The teachers! And the discussions with course-mates during lectures.
What were your career aspirations when you arrived?
To go back to my home country and work “in-house” within a company (rather than at a PR agency), being responsible for all of its communications.
Were your career aspirations expanded by studying here? Did the skills and experience you acquired on your course give you the confidence to widen your career choices?
Definitely! Before coming to Leeds University Business School I didn’t feel confident applying for jobs that were marketing-related, for example. Now I am applying and also getting calls for interviews.
How has your career progressed since leaving the Business School? Have there been any notable highlights?
After I finished my MA course, I came back to Bulgaria and started applying for jobs. I received interview invitations from almost everywhere I applied – before it was much harder. I am confident to apply for higher and more responsible positions.
What is your current role and with which employer? What is your job remit?
I am starting my new job in January 2014. The position is Communications Coordinator at a big luxurious five-star Spa resort.
What are your ambitions for the future?
I want to build a network of contacts and after 10 or 15 years of experience to start my own communications enterprise.
Do you think your experience and skills gained here will help you in your future career plans? In what way?
I am sure these experiences will help me in my future career plans, because at Leeds University Business School I developed high self-discipline and time-management skills and learned to pay attention to every tiny detail in order to complete a task successfully.
How do you think Leeds University Business School rates against other universities?
Leeds University Business School is very well-respected across the whole country and also abroad. The school is amongst the best in its field in the UK.
If you are not from the UK, how was the transition to a foreign country?
Don’t worry if you are not from the UK – first of all, most of your classmates won’t be. So there will be many people with the same issues as you – meaning that there will be established processes to deal with them. Everything in Leeds University Business School and the University of Leeds is very well-organised, the administration staff are helpful and you can get plenty of information about anything you may think of.
What was your impression/experience of the facilities, the staff, your peers, the student union, the City of Leeds and the region itself?
The facilities at the university are great. Everything is well-organised and students have access to everything they need for their studies. You can actually complete your course without having your own laptop – there are 24 hour computer clusters and during exam times the libraries are also open 24/7.
I was impressed by the variety and big number of student clubs in the union. Whatever you are interested in, there is a student club for that – there are over 200.
Graduation day: did this live up to your expectations? Were your family able to attend and did they enjoy the day?
The graduation ceremony is impressive and interesting. My family and also family friends came with me and they were also happy and impressed by the ceremony.
Would you recommend the Business School to others?
I would and I do. The Business School is an excellent place to work on your potential, to discover your abilities and to develop as a professional. I believe it will provide a great career to everyone who chooses it and, of course, works hard!