Ministry of Defence committee appointment for Dr Matthew Davis

Dr Matthew Davis, Lecturer in Socio-Technical Systems, has recently been appointed to the Ministry of Defence’s Research Ethics Committee (MoD REC) as an Expert Member.

MoD REC is an independent committee to the Ministry of Defence (MoD)commissioned to review, advise and approve human research applications. It ensures that all research involving human participants either undertaken, funded or sponsored by the MoD meets nationally and internationally accepted ethical standards. It safeguards the rights and welfare of individuals volunteering to participate in research studies.

On taking up the ministerial appointment to a public body Dr Davis commented: “I am delighted to be joining the committee. As an expert member I will contribute relevant expertise in the areas of methodology, ethics, experimental design and statistics. I am particularly pleased as MoD REC deals with a lot of interesting organisational research that is conducted within the armed forces.”

Dr Davis is also Chartered member and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (BPS) and a Member of the US Academy of Management (AoM).