Sustainability and Net Zero

At Leeds University Business School, our interdisciplinary researchers provide expert insights into the challenges and solutions for businesses and policymakers to adopt sustainable, carbon-neutral practices and respond effectively to the environmental crisis.
Explore our latest outputs or browse our project pages to discover actionable insights for driving sustainability in your organisation or shaping impactful policy change.
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Podcast episodes
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Reports and policy briefs
- “Policy brief: Workers, trade unions and Just Transition in the UK”, Professor Vera Trappmann, Dr Jo Cutter and Dr Ursula Balderson, February 2025. This policy brief sets out recommendations for enhancing workers’ trade unions’ role in climate policy in the UK.
- "Policy brief: Workers are prepared to work in a de-carbonised economy: Companies and government need to invest in training and education", Professor Vera Trappmann and Dr Felix Schulz, February 2025. This policy brief presents key findings from a representative survey of more than 2000 employed workers in Germany with a specific focus on training and qualification for the "green" transition.
- “Climate change, green economy and work: the perception of workers in Germany and the UK”, Professor Vera Trappmann, Dr Jo Cutter, Dr Felix Schulz, Dr Jack Daly and Dr Ursula Balderson, November 2023. This report presents pooled data from two surveys of workers in two of the highest carbon emitting countries in Europe - Germany and the UK – that have both committed to become net zero in 2045 and 2050 respectively.
- Evidence submitted to the Public Accounts Committee, Professor Vera Trappmann, Dr Ursula Balderson and Dr Jo Cutter, October 2022
- “Community members, climate change, the green economy and just transition”, Professor Vera Trappmann and Dr Jo Cutter, October 2022. This report has been prepared for Community – a trade union with industrial and community roots in the UK – on members’ perceptions of the transition to a low-carbon economy.
- “UNISON members, climate change, the green economy and just transition”, Professor Vera Trappmann and Dr Jo Cutter, October 2022. This report has been prepared for UNISON – the largest trade union in the UK – on members’ perceptions of the transition to a low-carbon economy.
- “Decarbonising the Foundation Industries and the implications for workers and skills in the UK: The case of steel, glass and cement industries”, Dr Ursula Balderson, Professor Vera Trappmann and Dr Jo Cutter, September 2022
- “Worker perceptions of climate change and the green transition in Yorkshire and the Humber: Building the evidence base for the just transition in the region” – Dr Jo Cutter, Professor Vera Trappmann, Dr Ursula Balderson, Dr Andrew Sudmant and Dr Helen Norman, December 2021. This report has been prepared to inform the Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission on worker perceptions of the transition to a low-carbon economy.
Research projects
Just Transition
- Just transition in the UK
- Competence Centre
- Just Transition: action, concepts, debates and strategies - an international comparison across 13 countries
- A Just Transition to Circular Economy (JUST2CE)
- The Future of Work in Just Transitions
- The worker voice in Just Transitions to a low-carbon economy: building evidenced based policy making in Yorkshire and the Humber
Climate action and policy
- An integrative approach to the World Risk Poll: Analysing risk perception and preparedness to develop effective disaster risk communication strategies
- Corporate leaders and climate action
- Climate change adaptation and work
- The role of climate resilience strategies, Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs), and access to clean energy on house prices and inequality
- Inclusive sustainable policies
- Decarbonisation policy support: An international study on the interaction of ideological factors and policy types
- Advancing Cultural Heritage Governance for Resilient Climate Adaptation (AGREE)
- Exploring Sustainable Development in UK UNESCO Designated Sites
- Climate change, social inequality & psychosocial wellbeing with emerging digital data – a multidisciplinary network between UK and South Korea
- The impact of climate change and policies on the balance of payments and central banking in commodity-exporting emerging economies
- Environmental transparency and accountability
Sustainable practices and innovation
- Promoting sustainable digital consumption in the era of AI-driven social media marketing
- How to design effective sustainability marketing communications - the role of political ideology
- Dynamic Green Capabilities and Performance by Firms in the International Contexts: Systematic Literature Review on Green Marketing and Performance
- Analytics for Demand Responsive Online Intelligent Transport (ADROIT)
- Sustainability in Britain’s pub industry: exploring the social, economic and environmental impacts of different pub models
- AI-powered sourcing tool for fashion and textile companies to assess environmental and social risks
- Reuse to reduce food waste: understanding policy barriers preventing food upcycling
- Capitalising on COVID-19 as a Trigger for Positive Change in Food Waste Behaviour
- Subconscious and affective determinants of food waste behaviour
- Blockchain enabled Cloud Computing based integrated Carbon Calculator (Be4C)
Contact us
To find out more about any of the above research, or how you can work with us in these areas, contact