Masters student showcases dissertation at the Bank of England

On 22 November, Leeds University Business School student, Ilse Osorio Figueroa, presented her dissertation at the Bank of England.
The MSc Banking and International Finance student showcased her research at the Prudential Policy Directorate.
The student was selected to take part in the Research Support Programme run by the Bank of England (BoE) which enables students from UK universities to experience research at the UK’s Central Bank, as well as receive support from a BoE researcher, in addition to their academic supervisor, when preparing their dissertation. Ilse was jointly supervised by Dr Usman Gilani, Lecturer in Banking and Finance, and Dr Mahmoud Fatouh, Senior Economist at the Bank of England.
Ilse’s dissertation titled “The Impact of Basel III Reforms on the Business Models of UK Banks” evaluates the influence of Basel III’s Minimum Leverage Ratio (MLR) – enforced in 2016 – on the assets and the liabilities composition of UK banks, comparing Systemically Important Banks (SIBs) to others (non-SIBs). Her results show that the MLR did not cause significant immediate shifts to the assets and liabilities mix. These findings indicate the importance of a comprehensive approach to evaluating regulatory reforms, highlighting their broader impact on risk management, compliance, and systemic stability.
Programme Director of the MSc Banking & International Finance, Dr Danilo V. Mascia commented:
We are honoured to have such a valuable collaboration between our MSc Programme and the Central Bank. It provides our talented students with a platform to showcase and challenge their abilities whilst working closely with policymakers on pressing global issues.
Find out more about the Research support programme offered by the Bank of England