
Results 66 to 70 of 90 in Economics, Applied Institute for Research in Economics

Giuseppe Fontana

On Thursday 3 January 2019 at an Association for Social Economics reception in Atlanta (USA), Professor Giuseppe Fontana, received the Ludwig Mai Service Award.

David Spencer stood outside Maurice Keyworth building

Professor David Spencer is quoted in The New York Times.

David Spencer stood outside Maurice Keyworth building

On 24 October Professor David Spencer commented in an article published by The Manufacturer about the findings on a recent Engineering Employers' Federation (EEF) report on domestic productivity.

David Spencer stood outside Maurice Keyworth building

Leeds University Business School's David Spencer quoted in a Russia Today article about government plans in the lead up to a second vote on their Brexit deal.

Profile picture of Malcolm Sawyer

Leeds University Business School academics had a letter published in the Guardian calling for an end to austerity.