
Results 86 to 90 of 91 in Economics, Applied Institute for Research in Economics

A close up of books on a shelf, spine upwards

Over the summer Business School academics have seen nine articles accepted for publication in journals rated ‘4’ or ‘4*’ in the Chartered Association of Business School’s Academic Journal Guide 2015.

David Spencer stood outside Maurice Keyworth building

On 23 September, Professor of Economics, David Spencer, featured in an article published by Argentinian news publication La Nación on the reasons behind Uber's ban in London.

Photograph of Student George Biddie in front of Parkinson Building

George Biddle is changing the way employers recruit graduates with a new app.

Profile picture of Malcolm Sawyer

An interview with Emeritus Professor of Economics Malcolm Sawyer, in which he discusses the impact of Brexit on the UK's economy, was published by the Rozenberg Quarterly on 5 September.

A close up of books on a shelf, spine upwards

Members of the Teaching Faculty have received Student Education Enhancement (SEE) Awards in recognition of learning and teaching excellence within the Business School.