Leeds Zhejiang Institute: Joint research innovation strategy seminar

- Date: Wednesday 8 June 2022, 09:30 – 11:30
- Location: Online
- Cost: Free
This is the latest event scheduled as part of the Zhejiang University and Leeds University Business School Joint Research Institute.
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As part of the ongoing collaboration between the two institutions the organising committee of the Leeds Zhejiang Institute have arranged a joint research seminar themed around Innovation Strategy, chaired by Professor Nick Williams from Leeds University Business School and Associate Professor Song Wang from the Zhejiang School of Management.
Dr Joana Pereira, Lecturer in Strategy and Organisation at Leeds University Business School, will present her research on ‘Crowd Forms of Organising Generativity Mechanisms’, and postgraduate researcher Peiwen Wang will present her abstract on the digital era: ‘Exploring the Relationship between the Digital Competence of Upper Echelons and Digital Transformation’.
As part of the seminar, Zhejiang University colleagues Dr Tengjian Zou and Qingyun Lu will present their research surrounding analysis of collaboration in online crowdsourcing contests and the effect of indirect ties to competitors on new ventures.
The session has been organised on the success of last year’s research seminar facilitated by the Marketing Department at Leeds University Business School. We very much look forward to joining together at this event to discuss the latest ideas in innovation management.