Professor Andy Charlwood

Professor Andy Charlwood


After reading History at the University of Liverpool, Andy gained an MSc and PhD from the Industrial Relations Department of the London School of Economics. He began his academic career as a lecturer in HRM at the University of Kent in 2001, moving to Leeds for the first time as lecturer in HRM and Industrial Relations in 2003. He has has also held the posts of senior lecturer at the universities of Warwick, York and professor of HRM at Loughborough University, re-joining Leeds in September 2016. 


  • Faculty Director of Student Equity

Research interests

Andys main research interests are in the use of digital technologies in HR and people management, with a particular focus on the healthcare workforce. He is particularly interested in the ways in which AI analytics and the digitisation of people management are changing HRM and workers’ experiences. His research is interdisciplinary in its approach, drawing on ideas and methods from the sociology of work and employment, work psychology and labour economics. He co-organises the European Institute for Advanced Management Studies workshop on People Analytics and Algorithmic Management.

Andy has held research grants from the Department of Trade and Industry, the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) and the British Academy and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). He has recently completed an NIHR funded project examining relationships between workforce factors and care quality in English care homes using novel machine learning methods. He is a founder member of the HR Analytics Think Tank ( a University/Industry research collaboration.  He is a member of the ESRC Digital Futures at Work Research Centre (Digit)

External roles and responsibilites

Andy is topic champion for employment on the Understanding Society study scientific advisory committee and a member of the UKRI Interdisciplinary Assessment College. He is an associate editor of the  International Journal of Human Resource Management and a member of the council of the British Academy of Management. He also undertakes occasional consultancy work advising organisations on the development of their people analytics strategies. 

PhD Supervision

Andy welcomes applications and expressions of interest from prospective PhD students who are interested in pursuing PhDs in his areas of interest (people analytics, AI and algorithmic management in HRM, HR and employment relations in healthcare).

Current PhD Students

Sarah Spence (expected completion 2023) exploring bullying in midwifery.

Amwaj Abugamza (expected completion 2024) exploring the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the UK labour market.

Jaejin Lee (expected completion 2024) undertaking an ethnographic study of people analytics adoption in a tech company.

Megan Marie Butler (expected completion 2025) undertaking an ethnographic study of people analytics technology adoption.

Russell Martin (expected completion 2025) exploring pay and career inequalities in the National Health Service.

Jiaji Li (expected completion 2027) exploring relationships between people analytics adoption and organisational performance.

Former PhD students

Felix Schulz (2021) The effect of intra-workplace pay inequality on employee trust in managers and workplace performance, winner of the 2022 Outstanding Academic Performance Prize, PhD in the Faculty of Business.

Charlotte Smith (2014)  Employee Recognition at Work (University of York). 



  • BA (hons) History, University of Liverpool
  • MSc. Industrial Relations and Personnel Management, London School of Economics
  • PhD. Industrial Relations, London School of Economics

Professional memberships

  • Academic Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (FCIPD)
  • Senior Fellow of Advance HE (SFHEA)
  • Certified Management & Business Educator (CMBE)

Student education

Andy is a Certified Business and Management Eductor and his leadership of student education has been recognised with the award of Senior Fellowship of Advance HE. He has extensive experience of teaching HRM, strategic HRM, HR/people analytics, organisation studies and sociology of work at undergraduate and postgraduate level, including distance learning and executive MBA programmes. His current teaching is in the area of corporate social responsibility and HR/people analytics. 

Research groups and institutes

  • Workplace Behaviour Research Centre
  • Centre for Technology Innovation and Engagement

Current postgraduate researchers