Corporate Wisdom innovation series

The Business School's flagship event series, Corporate Wisdom, welcomes talks from key business figures from across the globe, representing a variety of sectors, who offer expert knowledge and insight into a range of current issues affecting business leaders today.
As part of the series, C-TIE organises talks that address strategic challenges for managing innovation. Senior innovation managers emphasise in their talks that innovation is not only about finding technology solutions. They support a view that innovation is a managerial and organisational challenge that has to be addressed strategically.
Innovative presentations
- 'Medical Technology Innovation' - Gisela Abbam, Global Executive Director, Government Affairs and Policy, GE Healthcare
- 'Enabling Business Transformation by Service Innovation' - Sofi W. Elfving, Research Manager, Ericsson AB (11 Nov 2015)
- 'In Search of New Value' - Rashik Parmar, IBM Academy of Technology (09 Dec 2014)
- 'Innovation - The Key to a £100m Business Valuation' - Eric Hawthorn, Founder - Radio Design Ltd (28 Jan 2014)
- 'Addressing the Energy Challenge Through IT-Led Innovation' - Rene Honig, Shell Global Solutions (09 Oct 2013)
- 'Opportunities for Strategic Innovation in Offshore Wind' - Ray Thompson, Siemens (16 May 2013)
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