Academic speakers attend Designing Intervention Research workshop

COSCR and AIMTech organised a joint workshop on the 16h of November on “Designing Intervention Research”.
A particular strength of both the COSCR and AIMTech Research Centres has been the use and development of approaches to theoretically driven intervention research. This has proved to be a particularly fruitful approach to building engagement and supporting impact.
In their keynote, Sarah Yardley and Sally-Anne Francis talked about applying Activity Theory to healthcare studies of ‘what happens in real life’.
In the showcase of intervention research at COSCR/AIMTech, Dr Gary Graham drew upon his experience working with approaches to co-production, to outline the challenges and opportunities this approach offers for engagement and impact.
Professor Chee Yew Wong, discussed how knowledge transfer occurred in knowledge transfer partnership (KTP) projects and contract research projects using demonstration as an intervention.
The final presentation was by Dr Jyoti Mishra who explained the Activity System Evaluation Framework which is developed within AIMTech Research Centre.
The ASEF framework was used for discussion purposes where participants discussed potential collaboration opportunities.
The workshop ended with participants reflecting on current practices, challenges, and opportunities offered by interventionist research.
If you want to discuss any element of this workshop for future collaboration, please contact Dr Jyoti Mishra at