Making good work: Policy, practice and research
- Date: Tuesday 30 October 2018, 09:00 – 16:15
- Location: Science Gallery, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9GU
- Type: Seminars and lectures
- Cost: £80
This is a Centre for Employment Relations Innovation and Change (CERIC) seminar taking place at Leeds University Business School on Tuesday 30 October 2018
Improving the quality of jobs is a widely shared goal among the three communities of:
- Policy makers
- Practitioners in companies and trade unions
- Researchers
There is also widespread consensus that policy, practice and research could be improved if dialogue between these three specialist communities were better. This workshop seeks to address this situation and improve engagement between the three communities, with specific reference to research, policy and practice around improving the quality of work. In the morning session two presentations will explore the processes involved in successful collaboration. In the afternoon, workshops jointly facilitated by academics, policymakers and practitioners will discuss the practicalities of collaborative working. Academics will be able to engage directly with policymakers and practitioners, as they, in their turn, will be able to engage directly with academics. We hope that this will help to establish an environment where professionals can meet and where all can learn from existing collaborations which produce high quality research that is collaborative and that has impact. This will also be an opportunity to exchange ideas which will lead to future collaborations to tackle bad jobs and improve job quality.
The fee to attend is £80, with lunch and refreshments provided.
PhD students and Early Career Researchers will be charged £30 and there may be additional support available for them.
Please book your place online.
Event format
10.00 | Welcome – Professor Stephen Bach, Dean of King’s Business School |
10.15 – 12.15 | Professor Patricia Findlay (Strathclyde University), Grahame Smith (General Secretary, Scottish TUC) and Linda Murray (Head of Strategy Services Scottish Enterprise), Professor Monder Ram (Aston University) and Fuad Mahamed (CEO Ashley Integrates) |
12.15 – 13.15 | Lunch break |
13.15 – 14.15 | Break out groups Session One |
14.15 – 14.45 | Coffee break |
14.45 – 15.45 | Break out groups Session Two |
15.45 – 16.15 | Debrief, Closing remarks |
About the speaker
Workshop Organisers:
Professor Irena Grugulis (Leeds), Professor Katie Bailey (Kings) and Professor Kevin Daniels (UEA)
Workshop Steering Group:
Professor Paul Edwards (Birmingham), Dr Diane Burns (Sheffield), Professor John Childs (Birmingham), Professor Anne-Marie Greene (Leicester), Professor Ray Loveridge (Oxford), Professor Monder Ram (Aston), Kiran Trehan (Birmingham), Professor Chris Warhurst (Warwick), Dr M Williams (Surrey)