Climate series: Training our community in carbon literacy
The Business School has successfully trained 80 members of staff and almost 600 students who are certified carbon literate.
Our First Help To Grow Alumni Event
Last month, Leeds University Business School hosted their first Alumni event for SME business leaders. The event was an opportunity to bring together Help To Grow: Management Course Alumni.
Business Open Day 2022
Leeds University Business School held their first ever 'Business Open Day' on campus on Thursday 22 June, giving local industry professionals the opportunity to come and find out more.
15,000 enrol on Business School's online innovation course
Over 15,000 people globally have enroled on an online innovation management course led by academics from Leeds University Business School.
Rebecca Padgett writes for Insider Media Limited on recruiting and maintaining talent for SME growth
Rebecca Padgett, Facilitator of our Help to Grow: Management course, looks at how SMEs can attract and retain new and diverse talent.