
Results 1 to 5 of 299 in Research and innovation

Airport lounge

Leeds University Business School has announced the implementation of a new Slow Travel Policy aimed at reducing the carbon footprint associated with business travel by 50% by 2030. 

Vera Trappmann

On 26 January Professor Vera Trappmann was featured in an article published by the Süddeutsche Zeitung titled “So werden deutsche Jobs grün”, or “This is how German jobs become green”.

Parkinson Tower at night

University of Leeds LUBS and School of Computing Join Forces with Katchr to Revolutionise Financial Management in the Legal Services Sector with AI-Powered Dashboard.

A shopping centre

Leeds University Business School's Marketing Department is pleased to announce our successful bid to host the SCP Boutique Conference, organised by the Society for Consumer Psychology.

Aerial shot of Leeds

A regional research partnership will provide evidence for vital decision-making in the Yorkshire and Humber region to deliver on climate change, inequalities and data gaps.