Research with Impact seminar

- Date: Thursday 21 January 2021, 09:00 – 09:30
- Location: Online
- Cost: Free
Lessons Learned from Research Collaboration with Companies
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Over the centuries, advances in management have made a substantial contribution to economic and social progress, and today, with organisations facing an array of unprecedented challenges, the need for novel management approaches is more urgent than ever. It is hence surprising why collaboration between practicing mangers and management academics is not more common.
This short session will share the lessons learned from collaboration with large and technology intensive companies. It will highlight the exciting opportunities of such research collaboration and also identify typical pitfalls that often accompany the collaborative work across the corporate and academia divide.
Speakers Information
Krsto Pandza is Professor of Strategy and Innovation at the Leeds University Business School. He has led Strategy & Organisation Subject Group and acts as Director of the Centre for Technology Innovation and Engagement. Krsto’s research interests lie at the intersection of strategy, technology innovation and organisational theory, where he investigates organisational responses to discontinuous technological changes and the role of managerial agency in shaping organisational capabilities.