Human-centered distributed intelligence for Socio-technical systems
- Date: Wednesday 2 June 2021, 13:00 – 14:00
- Location: Online
- Cost: Free
Join Dr Evangelos Pournaras, School of Computing in the latest AIMtech & COSCR research seminar.
Please email Joanne Morgan at for the zoom link and password.
In this seminar, Dr Evangelos Pournaras will present the concept of collective learning, a paradigm for tackling tragedy of the commons problems in socio-technical systems using human-centered distributed intelligence. In contrast to mainstream centralized artificial intelligence (AI) allowing algorithmic discrimination and manipulative nudging, the decentralized approach of collective learning is by-design participatory and value-sensitive: it aligns with privacy, autonomy, fairness and democratic values. Engineering such values in a socio-technical system results in computational constraints that turn collective decision-making into complex combinatorial NP-hard problems. These are the problems that collective learning and the EPOS research project tackles. Collective learning finds striking applicability in energy, traffic, supply-chain and the self-management of sharing economies. This grand applicability and the social impact will be are demonstrated along with a future perspective of the collective learning paradigm.
About the seminar series:
This research seminar series is organised jointly by the Adaptation Information Management and Technology Research Centre and Centre for Operations and Supply Chain Research. The two research centres study information and technology management, operations and supply chain management and emerging issues related to digital transformation, sustainability, and resilience.