Virtual Seminar: Business and the Modern Slavery Act
- Date: Monday 23 October 2017, 09:00 – 10:30
- Location: Charles Thackrah Building
- Type: Seminars and lectures
- Cost: Free
Virtual Seminar on Business and the Modern Slavery Act: Attitude, Challenges and Response, with University of Western Australia and Copenhagen Business School.
The issue of Modern Slavery in Business is presenting itself as a major global issue. Many countries are developing reporting guidelines on Modern Slavery for Businesses and other organisations. The UK has emerged as a leader following the introduction of its Modern Slavery Act. What modern slavery means for business, and, the implications of these reporting guidelines are of particular concern to leaders operating in international supply chains.
Join our UN PRME colleagues from the University of Western Australia and Copenhagen Business School for a virtual seminar on the topic ‘Business and the Modern Slavery Act: Attitude, Challenges and Response’. This session builds upon very positive conversations through our inaugural seminar with UWA in June. The sessions are designed to help build new research links and collaborations.
If you would like to attend, please register on this page or email by Tuesday 17 October.